




1.按键按下 * Draw Actor 绘制对象(角色) * Key Down 按键按下 * Key Up 按键弹起 ...

2.键盘按下按下(Mouse Down)等鼠标事件,也可能发生键盘按下Key Down)等键盘事件。

3.向下敲打 ... Hiccup 打嗝 Key down 向下敲打 Courtship 求爱(时期) ...

4.键按下此时发生的事件 ... windows explorer 脚本错误,如何解决?多谢! key down 键按下(未松开)此时发生的事件 hahahaha 哈哈哈 …

5.按下键盘上任一按键时 ... Mouse move 移动滑鼠时。 Key down 按下键盘上任一按键时。 Key up 放开键盘上任一按键时。 ...


1.Oh no, you're getting it all over the carpet. Now what's the other thing? Key down the back of your neck.你把水全弄到地毯上了。什么其他的事?关键是你脖子后面。

2.when you are ready to shoot , strake the cue by holding the S key down and moving the mouse back and forth.准备好击球的时候,按住S键,并前后移动鼠标,进行出杆。

3.To do a hard turn, hold down the brake key (Down Arrow) and then press one of the turn keys (Left Arrow or Right Arrow).做硬又按住刹车键(向下箭头),然后按之交键(左箭头或右箭头)之一。

4.When you reach one of the hangars , idle your engine and hold the B key down to come to a complete stop.当你到达一个机库,空转发动机并且按住“B”键来完全停下。

5.To open a "shortcuts menu, " hold the Control key down as you cpck.要打开一个“迅捷菜单”,请在点按的同时按住Control键。

6.To create a thicker pne, hold the SHIFT key down and press the hyphen key three or more times, and then press ENTER.要创建较粗的线条,请按住Shift键同时按三次或更多次连字符键,然后按Enter。

7.There will always be someone else who wants to scrape a key down the side of the shiny new 4 by 4.总是有人想用钥匙在新买的锃亮的四驱车上划一道痕。

8.For example, Google Earth does not always respond in a useful way to key-down events regardless of the repeat rate and speed.例如,GoogleEarth并不始终以有效的方式响应按键事件,无论重复率和速度如何。

9.Keyboard Indicates user preferences for keyboard settings, such as the key down repeat rate and delay.指示键盘设置的用户首选项,例如,按下键的重复速率和延迟时间。

10.Key down to prevent extensions from loading.键阻止加载扩展。