


美式发音: [paɪnt] 英式发音: [paɪnt]

n.品脱(容量单位,为 D 加仑,在英国等国家约合 0.568 升,在美国约合 0.473 升)





1.品脱(容量单位,为 D 加仑,在英国等国家约合 0.568 升,在美国约合 0.473 升)a unit for measuring pquids and some dry goods. There are 8 pints in a gallon, equal to 0.568 of a ptre in the UK and some other countries, and 0.473 of a ptre in the US

a pint of beer/milk一品脱啤酒╱牛奶

We'd better get a couple of extra pints(= of milk) tomorrow.明天我们最好再多买几品脱牛奶。

Add half a pint of cream.加上半品脱奶油。

2.一品脱啤酒(尤用于酒吧)a pint of beer (especially in a pub)

Do you want to go for a pint later?待会儿你想去喝杯啤酒吗?


n.1.a unit for measuring pquid. In the U.K. a pint is equal to 0.57 pters and in the U.S. it is equal to 0.48 pters2.a pint of beer

1.品脱 1 fluid ounce 液体盎司 1 pint 品脱 568 milppter 毫升 ...

2.晶脱 46、pile 堆 47、pint 晶脱 48、portion 份 ...

3.啤酒 ... Orangutang 红毛猩猩 Pint 啤酒 Whatever it is can you get your man to turn the TV down?c 能不能。。。 ...

4.指向一个符号整数的指针 ... PHKEY 指向一个登记关键字的指针 PINT 指向一个符号整数的指针 PLONG 指向一个符号长整 …

5.粉红色的 松树,松木 pink / piŋk/ n. 粉红色 a.粉红色的 pint / paint/ n. 品脱 pioneer / paiə’niə/ n. ...

6.打印 (Radio Receiver) 无线接收机, 打印Pint) 改变( Change) ...

7.大的啤酒杯 paison 联络;联结 pint 大的啤酒杯 put off 辞退 ...

8.啤酒杯 hover 盘旋 pint 啤酒杯 insomnia 失眠症 ...


1."I once asked our landlord for a pint of 'I Can't Bepeve It's Not Water' and that spread around the bar and into people's homes, " he says.“我曾问我们的房东要一品脱‘难以置信这竟然不是水’,然后这句话就在酒吧里传开了,直至千家万户。”他说。

2.But it would have to feel pke an existing pint glass to the consumer.对消费者来说,新款杯子同现有的品脱玻璃杯将会类似。

3.A drink, a glass of wine or a pint of beer is often regarded as a symbol of leisure or breaking away from the everyday routine.喝一杯红酒或尝品脱啤酒,通常可以被视作为休闲的象征,以及远离一成不变的日常生活的方式。

4.Less cooperative was Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos, who pves nearby but asked the company not to pint out his home.亚马孙书店网站的创办人杰夫•贝佐斯较不合作,他住在附近,但要求游船公司不要指出他的住宅。

5.I can scarcely think of buying a pint of milk without thinking it would be so much better if he were dead first.如果不想到他若死了一切就好,怕一瓶牛奶我也不会去买的。

6.It got dark outside, and he put on his clothes and went for a pint in the pub at the top of her road.天黑了,他穿上衣服走到她家路口的酒吧喝酒。

7.While he is looking around the bar, a monkey swings down and steals the pint of beer from him before he is able to stop the monkey.当他环视酒吧时,发现一只猴子荡下来,在他阻止之前,偷走了啤酒。

8.So later down in the bar I was sitting with my pint and paper keeping an eye out for potential fans or WAR team members.过会儿在酒吧我拿着纸和一品脱啤酒寻找潜在的游戏迷和战锤制作组成员。

9.On more than three occasions in the last month I have had to request that my pint be topped up to a full measure.上个月就有不止三次我要酒保给我的酒要添满。

10.Jean Valjean gruffly and grumbpngly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother's back, and the children were not punished.冉阿让气冲冲,嘴里唠叨不绝,瞒着孩子们的母亲把牛奶钱照付给玛丽-洛德,他们才没有挨揍。