




1.最后的战争 标 题: 商道 简介( zt) 最后战争( Last War) 迎向阳光( Into the Sunshine) ...

4.最后一战《最后一战(LAST WAR)》游戏发售预告片(i.. LAST WAR Launch Trailer (iPhon 用户: NewJediApprentic 发布: 1年前 播放: 23…

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1.Where the last war had ended, another world war could have easily begun. All that stood in the way was Berpn.在最后一场战斗结束的地方,新的世界大战一触即发,而能阻挡这一切的只有柏林。

2.He cast back in his mind to the last war, trying to remember exact dates.他在脑海里回忆起上一次战争,试图记起确切日期。

3.The underground hanger you're about to enter houses an apen warship constructed at the end of the last war.你们即将进入的地底机库存放着一艘于上一战末期建造的外星战舰。

4.These fortifications were all built during the last war.工事都是上次战争时修筑的。

5.That might have been the way to fight the last war, but now, they say, the country yearns for something else.虽然这在以前也许行得通,但是现在,这个国家渴望一些其他的模式。

6.The gas- masked SS men on duty inside give the Commandant a momentary remembrance of his service in the last war .看见戴着防毒面具在屋内值勤的党卫军,司令官一时回想起上次大战时他当兵的情形。

7."All this bubble stuff is people fighting the last war, " he says.安山说:“所有这些泡沫言论,都是因为那些人还沉溺在上场战争、无法自拔。”

8.Delegated legislation has increased in bulk considerably since the last war.自二战以来,委托立法的增长数量相当可观。

9.The central banks are prepared to fight the last war.各国央行还在为上一场战争做着准备。

10.Between the last war and the present, a number of books were written by experts in judo, jiujitsu, and unarmed combat technique.从上次战争直至今日,柔道、柔术以及徒手格斗的专家们写了相当多的书籍。