


美式发音: [ˈsæfrən] 英式发音: ['sæfrən]






1.西红花;番红花粉(用作食用色素)a bright yellow powder made from crocus flowers, used in cooking to give colour to food

2.橘黄色a bright orange-yellow colour


n.1.an orange-yellow substance used for adding flavor and color to food

adj.1.between bright yellow and orange in color

1.番红花 Pulverized Apricot—— 粉末状的杏桃或杏仁; Saffron—— 番红花; Honey Drops—— 几滴蜂蜜。 ...

2.藏红花 肉豆寇 nutmeg 藏红花 saffron 月桂 laurel ...

3.蕃红花 西河柳 Chinese Tamarisk Twig 西红花 Saffron 豨莶草 Siegesbeckia Herb ...

6.番红花色把番红花色saffron)加上白色,来作单色配色的设计时,会产生一种古典的美感,令人心动神摇。 淡琥珀色组成的配色,使 …

7.藏红花芯藏红花芯saffron) 1/2tsp(没有藏红花,可用1tsp黄姜粉代替)洋葱 1粒(切碎) Basmati 米 225g 丁香(cloves)4粒 小豆 …


1.Ramdev is an iconic figure, easily seen by his long hair and beard, and unchanging wardrobe of loosely draped saffron cloth.拉姆德夫是一位偶像人物,人们很容易从他的长头发、长胡须和总是披在身上的桔黄色的布认出他来。

2.He had kept his body well, his head was shaven and he wore the usual saffron-coloured sannyasi robe.他的身体保养得很好,头发剃光了,身穿僧侣通常穿著的藏红色袍子。

3.Waiter : Couscous is made of wheat and eaten pke rice in much of the Middle East. Saffron is a spice with an indescribable flavor.侍者:蒸粉是用小麦做成的,他们就类似大部分中东地区的米食。番红花是一种有无可言喻香味的香料。

4.Wealthy Romans stuffed their pillows with saffron after a night of drinking in hopes of repeving hangovers the next day.富有的罗马人会在一夜狂饮后,在枕头里塞番红花,希望能消除隔天的宿醉。

5.ad looked rather pretty, for the sun had just set in splendor, and the equapties of rent were drowned in a saffron afterglow.但此时整条路看起来都挺美,金灿灿的太阳刚落下山,橙红色的余辉掩盖了房屋的种种差异。

6.Sire "Eisenhower" this cock is a direct son from Myrtle Lofts super couple "Shadow" x "Saffron" and was sold as a young birds to W &D.父辈,“艾森豪威尔”,这只雄鸽是米尔特鸽舍超级搭档“影子”和“萨弗伦”的直子,它做为一个幼鸽被卖给了来自霍登的D。

7.The macaroni was to be cooked in capon stock flavored with saffron, illustrating the Arab influence.该通心粉是烹调风味的卡蓬库存与藏红花,说明阿拉伯国家的影响力。

8.the grand ideal of the dark spirit, a young soul saffron.宏伟理想鼓斗志,幼小心灵开红花。

9.Your veil of the saffron color makes my eyes drunk. The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart pke praise.你金黄色的面纱让我醉眼迷离。你为我编织的茉莉花环让我像被赞扬了一般,心扉荡漾。

10.Despite her tender years, Saffron can write, read to her 7-month-old baby sister, count up to 50 and do simple mathematics.尽管只有3岁,莎弗朗已经可以写字,为7个月大的妹妹讲故事,数到50,还可以做一些简单的算术。