


网络释义:刺槐豆胶(Locust bean gum);游戏(Location Based Game)


1.刺槐豆胶(Locust bean gum)与刺槐豆胶LBG)相互作用形成热可逆凝胶,其胶凝机理与卡拉胶和LBG的胶凝相同。黄原胶在食品工业中应用广泛,这是 …

2.游戏(Location Based Game)引爆全球新的移动互联网发展方向的LBG(Location Based Game)游戏,全方位创新为用户创造极致的基于位置的游戏应用与体验 …


1.Losses on the toxic loans LBG inherited in that deal have been shrinking at a much faster rate of late than the bank had anticipated.在比银行预期下降更快的最近的利率下,获得一些不良的资产,这才是亏损的原因所在。

2.The first problem, at least in the case of LBG, is that the extra capital promised is too small to deal with a serious crisis.第一个问题,至少在劳埃德银行集团(LBG)案例中有,是预期的额外资本太少而无法应对严重危机。

3.Eric Daniels, LBG's chief executive, still insisted on February 11th that "it was a good deal for Lloyds TSB" .LBG的首席行政长官EricDaniels在2月11号仍旧坚称“对于LloydsTSB,这是个好交易。”

4.LBG, meanwhile, has few peripheral assets (aside from an insurance business which it was miraculously allowed to keep).与此同时,LBG,只有很少的外围资产(除了奇迹般被允许保留的保险业务)。

5.HBOS, now part of Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), had what is probably the worst commercial-property portfopo of any British bank.哈利克斯,目前劳埃德银行的一部分,拥有的商业地产投资组合大概是英国银行业中最差的。

6.So RBS and LBG want to renegotiate to reduce the cost of the insurance and the volume of assets they place into the scheme.所以RBS和LBG想重新协商以减少其参与计划的保险成本及资产金额。

7.Under that plan the government will shoulder much of the risk of big losses on those toxic assets in return for a payment.假如该计划得以实行,政府将会花钱买下LBG,并承担不良资产巨额损失的风险。

8.Even so, it is not clear whether RBS and LBG are really strong enough to loosen their ties to the government.即使如此,依然不清楚RBS和LBG是否已足够强壮,不再需要依赖政府。

9.There is a strong incentive for the government, too, to keep the majority of LBG's shares in private hands.政府也强力希望保持LBG的大部分股份在私人手里。

10.On November 3rd Britain's two monsters, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), got the treatment.11月3日,英国两大银行巨头,苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)和劳埃德银行集团(LBG),得到了这种待遇。