




1.万都成功,也离不开其本土零部件企业的自强自立。对此,韩国万都公司MANDO)CEO吴尚洙表示:企业只有掌握核心技术, …


4.万都集团长情况 26 图表 11 2001-2008年韩国万都集团MANDO)销售收入增长情况 27 图表 12 2003-2008年苏州万都(MANDO) …

5.韩国半岛 多格漫 CattyMan 韩国半岛 MANDO 美国 A-Bone ...

6.小米 ... micke 丹丹521 mando 小米 Dophin 雪 ...


1.The biggest visible difference between the generic Mando armor and the Fetts would be the rangefinder.普通曼达洛盔甲外观和费特盔甲之间最明显的区别就是测距仪。

2.plus, it's his universe, so we had to set aside our Mando ideas for the time being.再说,这是他的宇宙,因此我们只得暂且将我们关于曼达洛人的点子放置一边。

3.Wang is set to hold 10 concerts in Beijing and Shanghai in late October and November, marking her return to the Mando-pop scene.王菲将于10月末和11月在北京、上海两地举行10场复出演唱会。

4.Since his debut album in 2000, Chou has been labeled as the pioneer in reshaping the Mando-Pop music industry.自2000年发布首张专辑以来,周杰伦被认为是改变华语流行音乐行业的先锋。

5.Mando Ni brand of pving space for people to add more healthy natural aromatic elements, the art of pving color.曼多妮品牌为人们的生活空间增添更多健康的天然芳香元素,艺术的生活色彩。

6.Top Combine is the newest boy band in the Mando-pop scene.顶部是最新的男孩乐队组合的国语现场。

7."When we came, conditions of service for employees were quite bad, " says Mr Mando.“我们来的时候,雇员服务状况非常差,”曼多说。

8.E. appeared on the Mando-pop scene in 2001.2001年出现在华语流行乐坛。

9.Mando has many operations in China.它在中国有很多工厂。