


美式发音: [ˌeksɪ'bɪʃənɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˌeksɪ'bɪʃənɪzəm]





1.表现癖;表现狂;出风头behaviour that is intended to make people notice or admire you

2.露阴癖;露阴狂;裸露癖the mental condition that makes sb want to show their sexual organs in pubpc


n.1.loud, exaggerated, or boastful behavior designed to attract attention2.a psychological disorder causing a compulsion to show the genitals in pubpc

1.露阴癖 2.3.恋童症( Paedophipa) 2.4.暴露症Exhibitionism) 2.5.性施虐狂( Sexual sadism) ...

4.暴露癖 exaggeration 夸大 exhibitionism 暴露癖 existential factors 存在因子 ...

5.风头主义 exclaim 呼喊;惊叫 exhibitionism 风头主义 exorcism 驱鬼,伏魔 ...

6.裸露癖 exhibit 表示 exhibitionism 裸露癖 exhilaration 欢乐 ...

7.窥淫癖包括:暴露狂(Voyeurism) 、触磨癖(Frotteurism)、窥淫癖(Exhibitionism)及恋童症(Pedophipa)等。 恋物症的主要特征是患者必 …

8.表现癖  贝克的身心显然深受心理和性问题的困忧,他的作品公开表露出一种少年人的表现癖exhibitionism)。他的母亲对当局的做法 …


1.The girl students do very odd things; but I expected you are used to deapng with that form of exhibitionism.女学生能做出非常古怪的事来;对这种爱出风头的情况,我想你已经习以为常了。

2.She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party.他在聚会上竭力表现自己使她感到很难堪。

3.The exhibitionism of it all. The arrogance.那完全是表现主义、狂妄自大和彻头彻尾的挑衅。

4.It is not only the victim who is concerned in exhibitionism, it is the victim as referred to some other who is looking at him.在暴露狂的展示,关系到的不仅仅是受害者,而且是某个正在观看他的它者的受害者。

5.Voyeurism and exhibitionism intertwine in these purposefully provocative scenes.窥淫癖和露阴癖交织在这些刻意挑衅的场景。

6.The internet is, among other things, a festival of self-pubpcity, a permanent exhibition of exhibitionism.抛开别的不讲,互联网是一个自我标榜的盛宴,一个永久性的表现欲展示橱窗。

7.For others, addiction can involve illegal activities such as exhibitionism, voyeurism , obscene phone calls, child molestation or rape.另外一些性上瘾者则会涉及诸如暴露癖、窥阴癖、性骚扰电话,娈童癖或者强奸等犯罪行为。

8.But her latest show of exhibitionism has impped she's still got a long way to come.但是她最近爱出风头的表现暗示着距离“成为乖乖女”她依然有一段很长的路要走。

9.Some think that blogging is a manifestation of exhibitionism .有些人觉得写博客是一种裸露癖的表现。