




1.飞来 无声无息 Quietus ###飞来 Accio 滑稽滑稽 Ridikuius ...

2.飞来咒 (UnbreakableVow) 牢不可破的誓言 Accio 飞来咒 Aguamenti 清水如泉 ...

3.奖杯飞来 18.粉身碎骨粉碎咒 Reducto 22.奖杯飞来 Accio 23.声音洪亮 Sonorus ...

4.试卷飞来 4.无声无息 Silencio 5.试卷飞来 Accio 6.魔杖飞来 Stupefy ...

5.召唤咒 ◎Slytherin 学院◎ Accio 召唤咒(飞来咒) Alohomora 开锁咒(阿拉霍洞开) ...

6.飞来飞去 Skeleton is reproduced 尸骨再现 Accio …… 飞来 飞来飞去 Amortentia: 迷情剂 ...

7.速速前 Reparo 任破尽修 Accio 召之即来 Protean Charm 千变魔法 ...


1.Latin for "to summon" . Summoning charm, used to make objects fly straight to the spell caster.Accio拉丁文的“召唤”。召唤系咒语,用来使得被召唤的物品直接飞向施法者。

2.But there are a few possible snags to this theory, specifically with regards to the Accio spell.但是这一理论有一些可能存在的障碍,特别在有关召唤咒上。

3."Accio Cloak! " roared one of the Death Eaters.“隐形衣飞来!”一个食死徒吼道。

4.Does Molly have to see something to Accio it, or even know exactly what that thing is? Nope.莫丽必须看着某物甚至知道那是什么才能使用飞来咒吗?

5.One "accio" spell would hang every computer within 50 meters.要知道一个咒语(accio意思不明)便可中断每50米内的一台计算机啊。

6.She has the intention and power to make that Accio spell do exactly what she wants.不,她有意愿和力量来随心所欲的施飞来咒。