




1.列城 拄仔[ tu [ leh 啰[ lo ...




1.Half way through the second week at the school, we were able to leave and go back to Leh.在学校的第二周过了一半的时候,我们终于可以离开,回到列城。

2.Let me think! Let me count! The last time we went oversea for hopdays seems to be 7 years ago leh.让我想一想!让我算一算!我们最后一次出国旅行好像是七年前。

3.We were based in a town called Leh situated on the Indus River. We travelled to Leh by road, which took about a week.我们以印度河沿岸一个名叫列城的城镇作为根据地,用了将近一个星期才经由陆路到达那里。

4.Ashley kept asking if I wanted to go take a photo with her but I shy leh.阿什利一直问我要不要过去和燕姿合张影,不过我有点小害羞啦。

5.We stayed in Leh for a while before flying back down to Delhi where we were much safer. We enjoyed sight-seeing and going to the Taj Mahal.我们在列城住了一会儿,然后飞回德里,那里安全一些。我们稍事观光,还去了泰姬陵。

6.Rescuers were slogging through knee-deep mud as they searched for the missing in the city of Leh, the news agency reported.据媒体报道,援救人员在齐膝的烂泥中艰难穿行,搜寻列城的失踪人员。

7.The main town on the Indian side, Leh, was an ancient caravan stop.印度一侧的主要城镇列城是古代的驿站。

8.p'ai se lah, very sleepy leh, tomorrow then talk with you.不好意思,很困,明天再和你谈。

9.LEH is major in business of design, research, equipment engineering, assembpng and technical supervision.本公司主要从事空分装置的设计,研发,设备集成,现场组装及工程技术指导。

10.Wa leh! ! Early morning saw this scary advertisement board when I drive to work, shocked until my car almost lost control!哇咧!!七早八早开车上班看见这个恐怖的广告板,吓到驾驶盘都差点抓不稳!