


美式发音: [əʊˈlɪmpɪə] 英式发音: [əuˈpmpiə]





n.1.[City]plain in southwestern Greece, the place where the first Olympic Games were held2.[City]capital of Washington, the U.S.


6.奥林佩亚 Take care. 多保重。 A. .Olympia 奥林匹亚城 C. women 妇女 ...

8.奥林匹克市不同的表演。每年于奥林匹克市Olympia)举行的艺术州长节(Gov ernor’sFestivaloftheArts),均会颁授荣誉奖给州内的 …


1.A month or two before the games begin, the sun's rays are used to kindle the flame on a torch atop a mountain in Olympia, Greece.在正式比赛前一两个月先利用阳光点燃预置在奥林匹亚某座山顶的一支火炬。

2.That a second afterward, Olympia got up and went to her lover or put her flowers in water or did whatever she did that day.转眼间,奥林匹亚就起来了,走向她的情人,或把花放在水中,或做些其它她想做的事情。

3.Then 3 months old, the chicken strolled through the front door of a wheel apgnment business Morris owned in Olympia, Wash.当时莫里斯在华盛顿州的奥林匹亚开了一家汽车轮胎校准店,有一天刚刚3个月大的亨丽埃塔慢悠悠地从前门踱了进来。

4.The Beijing Olympic flame was pt by the sun in a traditional ceremony on Monday at the Hera Temple of Ancient Olympia in Greece.北京奥运圣火周一在希腊故奥林匹克遗址赫拉神庙举行的传统仪式中由太阳光点燃。

5.A stall holder adjusts hanging decorations at the Spirit of Christmas Fair at Olympia in London, England.在英国伦敦奥林匹亚举行的圣诞集市上,一名摊贩正在调整悬挂的装饰品。

6.This poster advertises the still-popular Ideal Home Exhibition, sponsored by the Daily Mail, held at Olympia in March of that year.这份海报则是在宣传至今还广受欢迎的理想家园展览,由每日邮报举办,1959那一年则是在3月份在奥林匹亚举办。

7.The ancient stadium AT Olympia, first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago, will stage the shot put competitions.铅球赛事将在近三个世纪之前启用的奥林匹亚古体育馆举行。

8.I had come to feel about my iBook the way I used to feel about my Olympia Report Deluxe typewriter, the cream of black-ribbon machines.我感到我iBook笔记本电脑就像是我用我那台奥林匹亚豪华打印机一样。丝滑版的绸缎上撒满糖霜的机器。

9.Study leader Keith Aubry can monitor the signals from his desk at the Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station in Olympia.研究组组长基斯奥布里会在奥林匹亚的林务太平洋西北研究站的办公室中监控狼獾发送出来的信号。

10.The colossal statue was the central feature of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Greek sanctuary where the Olympic Games were held.在巨大的雕像是在奥林匹亚宙斯神庙的核心特点,希腊圣殿在奥运会举行。