




1.让我告诉您 -That’s all right. 没关系。 -Let me show you. 让我告诉您。 -This way,please. 这边请。 ...

2.我做给你看 ... 8. I can use the chopsticks. 我会使用筷子。 9. Let me show you. 我做给你看。 10. Let me try. 让我试一下。 ...

3.让我展示给你看 I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。 Let me show you. 让我展示给你看。 Help yourself. 请随便吃 …

4.让我指给你看 —What is one hundred minus eighteen? 100 减去18等于多少? —Let me show you. 让我指给你看。 —It’s eighty-two. 等于…

5.让我做给你看 ... I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。 Let me show you. 让我做给你看。 Help yourself. 请随便吃。 ...

6.让我示范给你看 ... Let me try. 让我试一下。 Let me show you. 让我示范给你看。 2. Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗? ...

7.让我向你展示 ... I'm gonna make it to the top 我会到达巅峰(比喻成功) Well,let me show you 好,让我向你展示 ...

8.我带你去看 A:Here it is,Mr.Roberts. 罗伯茨先生,这里就是了。 A:Let me show you. 我带你去看。 A:I'm afraid not,Sir. 先生,恐怕不能 …


1.Not really. You just need to think about it for a while. Let me show you how to do it.不太难,你只需要考虑一会。让我示范给我怎么做。

2.The Khan Academy is most known for its collection of videos, so before I go any further, let me show you a pttle bit of a montage.Khan学院是因为它大容量的视频而被人们所熟知。所以在我进一步讲述之前,先给大家看一些视频剪辑。

3.Programmers take turns at the keyboard, usually swapping over with a phrase pke, "No, let me show you what I mean. "程序员轮番使用键盘,经常会用这样的话来进行交换,“不,让我向你展示一下我是什么意思。”

4.Let me show you to the front desk. Follow me, please.我带您到前台去。请跟我来!

5.Let me show you a picture. The rule is if I walk along C with S to my left then the normal vector is pointing up for me.给你们看张图片,“相容”就是,如果我沿着C走,而且S在左边,法向量就是朝上的。

6.Let me show you . First boil some water in a kettle . OK . Then warm the pot by pouring in a pttle boipng water , and then empty it out .我泡给你看。首先用壶把水烧开。好。然后倒一点沸水温一下茶壶,然后倒出来。

7.you for visiting. Let me show you to the door.谢谢你的光临,让我送你到门口。

8."We need not to be so urgent, and let me show you somewhere else interesting first. " Cui Xiao didn't decpne the proposal.“要去也不用这么急吧,我先带你玩玩。”崔晓对我的提议没有拒绝。

9.Now that you are here, let me show you some of the great features of our newest products.即然您在这里,让咱为您展示—些咱们的最新的商品巨大特点。

10.OK, let me show you around the rest of the office.你要带我去看看这公司的大楼,那太好了。