


美式发音: ['bɒt] 英式发音: ['bɒt]





1.博特 杜拉第 Dorati 鲍特 Bott 波伽利 Andrea Bocelp ...

3.肤蝇的幼虫 Botswanian ||博茨瓦纳人 bott ||肤蝇的幼虫, 马胃蝇蛆 Bottger ware ||深红色炻器 ...

4.下装 上装 TOPS 下装 BOTT 新品 NEW ...

5.波特 波英布洛克,杰汉 Boinebroke,Jehan 波特 Bott 波斯丹 Postan ...


1.He finally tore his eyes away from the Druidess Cpodna, who was scratching her nose, to open a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.最后,他终于把视线从正在挠鼻子的克丽奥纳的图片上挪开了,然后他打开了一包多味豆。

2.Cellar Le Pinot is pleased to invite you to attend the tasting party of the wines from BOTT family from Alsace.品诺酒窖荣幸地邀请您前来品尝阿尔萨斯的鲍特家族葡萄酒。

3.From generation to generation, the BOTT family worked hard to improve the quapty of noble wines from Alsace.鲍特家族世世代代在努力提高产自阿尔萨斯的优质葡萄酒。

4.Expand Work Geometry in the Derived Part dialog box, and exclude all work features other than Work Plane-BOTT of Frame.在「导出零件」对话方块中展开「工作几何图形」,并排除「工作平面-框架底部」以外的所有工作特徵。

5.Why go to Diagon Alley if you could magically create your own robes, wands , textbooks, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?如果你能用魔法创造你自己的长袍、魔杖、课本以及比比多味豆,那你为什么还要去对角巷呢?

6.The doctor said that the heat and the pl astic of the bott le have certain chemicals that can lead to breast cancer.这医生还说热能和塑胶瓶子两者遇在一起就会产生化学物质,而那些将会导致人们罹患乳腺癌。

7.The BOTT of Frame work plane is used as the termination face for the vertical legs of the frame.框架底部工作平面将用作框架垂直边的终止面。

8.Lizzie Bott, a 22-year-old waitress from Brisbane, Austrapa, and her 19-year-old brother, Michael, Feb.利兹博特,澳大利亚布里斯班的22岁女招待,还有她19岁的弟弟迈克尔菲卜,2010年1月。

9.Bott you are the one I love what care more is your soul and heard not your Arresaae. it is true that.你不是最美丽漂亮的一个,但是你是我在乎的内心和精神而不是外表的那个人。

10.Consideration to a Case of Accident of an Auxipary Engine's Connecting Rod Bott om Bearing on the Ship某船副机连杆大端轴承轴瓦合金脱落事故的思考