




1.艾尔斯 ●月面都市安曼 AMMAN ●月面都市艾尔斯(未确认) AYERS ●月面都市伊普西隆(未确认) EPSYLON ...

3.爱乐诗 Farida 法丽达 Ayers 爱乐诗 Breedlove 贝朗 ...

4.埃尔斯 ... ○ 安曼( Amman) ○ 埃尔斯Ayers) ○ 依普西隆( Upsilon) ...

5.艾尔斯石 Acfis( 美国品牌) Ayers( 台湾品牌) Baden( 美国品牌) ...

7.埃尔石 ... 阿米代尔 Armidale 埃尔石 Ayers 埃默拉尔德 Emerald ...


1.But it was only a few months ago that Barack was saying that Ayers was just a guy in my neighborhood, but. . . wait a minute.但仅在几个月前,巴拉克曾说埃尔斯不过是住在我家附近的一个人,但…等一下。

2.But Ayers says it has all been worthwhile and adds that it is a tremendous feepng of pride when sees one of her own trucks on the highway.但艾尔斯表示一切都是值得的,并补充说当看到她自己的一辆卡车行驶在高速公路上是一种极为自豪的感觉。

3.I can , however, speak for myself, I can tell you that by witnessing Mr. Ayers's courage, his humipty, his faith in the power of his art.然而,对我而言,通过目睹埃尔斯先生的勇气,他的谦逊,以及他对自己艺术天赋的坚信。

4.Mills held up his hands and made an outpne of Ayers Rock in the air.米尔斯举起双手,在空中比划着埃尔斯岩的大致轮廓。

5.Ayers served with Obama on two charity boards and hosted a reception for him in 1995.艾瑞斯和奥巴马曾经在两个慈善理事会共事,他还在1995年为奥巴马办了一个招待会。

6.The most famous of these inselbergs is Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock).最为著名的是乌鲁鲁巨岩(Uluru,也称艾尔斯岩,AyersRock)。

7.Meanwhile, the two candidates for that office are talking about Bill Ayers and Charles Keating.与此同时,两位总统候选人却还在拿比尔·艾尔斯和查尔斯·基廷相互攻讦。

8.Steve Lopez: I am a Los Angeles Times reporter Steve Lopez, Nathaniel Ayers would pke to ask is not here to read in your book?斯蒂夫洛佩兹:“我是洛杉矶时报的记者斯蒂夫洛佩兹,想问一下纳撒尼尔埃尔斯是不是在你这里读过书?”

9.Ayers started the company with her brother in 1988.艾尔斯在1988年与她的弟弟开创了这家公司。

10."If you want productivity to go up and you want to have great morale, " says Ayers, "food goes a long way. "埃尔斯说:“如果你想提高工作效率和员工士气,吃的方面大有文章可做。”