


美式发音: [ɔrb] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)b]



英文单词:对象请求代理(Object Request Broker);天体;容许度

复数:orbs  同义词




1.球体;(尤指)日,月an object shaped like a ball, especially the sun or moon

2.王权宝球(国王或女王在正式仪式上携带的顶部饰十字架的金球,是权力的象征)a gold ball with a cross on top, carried by a king or queen at formal ceremonies as a symbol of power



n.1.an object that has a perfectly round shape; the sun or the moon2.a small gold ball with a cross on top that a king or queen carries as part of a ceremony

1.对象请求代理(Object Request Broker)一定的规则,定义和说明其对应的接口参数,就可以接到对象请求代理(ORB)上,提供服务和请求,达到即插即用的效果网络互联的 …

2.球 Axis 轴心  新! Orb 天体  新! Xenith 天顶系列 ...

4.容许度blo的兄弟Mephisto, 而却派了手下和结界宝珠Orb)保护他,所以你要杀了保护结界宝珠的怪物, 然后再用家里发(Khali…

6.眼球 orb 环 orb 眼球 Orbeli phenomenon 奥尔别利现象 ...

7.球体 Offspring 子孙 Orb 球体 Orbital 轨道P ...


1.Chemtrail fog no longer clouds the view, as just as the Sun can shine through clouds or fog, so can this orb.人为喷撒的化学制剂烟雾不能再模糊视线了,因为就像太阳一样能够照射透过云层和雾气,这个球状物也也能做到。

2.Realize that, as a result of your growth in consciousness, a new reality is about to dawn for all humans on this blessed orb!认识这,作为你意识成长的一个结果,一新的实相就是有关在这受祝福的天球全部人类的黎明!

3.This is not a lens flare, as no lens was involved in the water and windshield, but a real orb in the sky displayed on both surfaces!这不是镜头光晕--因为在水中或挡风玻璃上不会产生镜头光晕--而是显示在两者表面的一个真正的天空中的球体。

4.The article brings forward a project to simplify ORB, then tries to found a effective, apt approach to develop embedded CORBA.该文提出精简ORB的方案,希望能建立一种有效、易用的嵌入式CORBA开发途径。

5.Through the mist came a man at so feverish a pace that he seemed to dance with fury as he entered the orb of glow from a street-lamp.雾中出来一个人,步伐十分急促,走进街灯下的一圈亮光中时,似乎在狂暴地跳舞。

6.ORB provides a framework for clients to locate EJBs on the server and invoke operations on those as if they were local.ORB为客户端提供了一个定位服务器上的EJB和像调用本地操作一样调用那些EJB上的操作的框架。

7.Distributed objects, also known as the Object Request Broker (ORB): This approach focuses on code reuse and language independence.分布式对象,也称为对象请求代理(ObjectRequestBroker,ORB):此方法侧重于代码重用和语言独立性。

8.And that bright orb at 1 o'clock is far too bright to be Planet X, when compared to the Sun, also.而且与太阳相比,这明亮的天体过于明亮,所以不是行星X。

9.There is no petty monsters to kill for orbs and your gonna need health before you kill one of the Ancients who might not even drop an orb.这周围可没有一些小笨蛋能让你砍掉找回血球用,更何况也没有保证你杀死的远古野蛮人肯定会掉落一个回复球。

10.The bright yellow orb in his abdomen represents the full opening of his Solar Plexus chakra, the seat of his will and power.在他的腹部明亮黄色天体代表,完全打开了他的腹腔神经丛的能量中心,是意愿和力量的所在地。