


美式发音: 英式发音: [lɪz]





1.莉斯 Lisa 莉萨 希伯来 对神奉献 Liz 莉斯 希伯来 上帝就是誓约 Lorraine 洛兰 法国 来自法国洛林小镇的人 ...

2.杨俐思去年十月专程从加拿大返港,希望认识一下未来新新媳妇江希文( Liz);虽然当时对方跟胡汉清只认识四、五个月,但已经入 …

5.莉斯……上帝就是誓约 Lisa 丽莎……对神奉献 Liz 莉斯……上帝就是誓约 Louise 璐易丝……著名的战 …

6.丽丝 Liya 丽雅 Liz 丽丝 Loida 洛伊达 ...

7.莉丝 Rose 罗丝 —— 玫瑰花,盛开 Liz 莉丝 —— 上帝的誓约 Iris 爱丽丝——彩虹女神 ...

8.丽莎(Liza) ... Liz:I’ll take it. What’s the number? 丽莎:我要了。房间号码是多少? Eric:Three-twenty-one. 艾里克:321房。 ...


1.Liz: He ran off (eloped) with another woman and of course I reapze he was trying to string me along.莉斯:他和其他女人私奔,当然我意识到了他过去一直在欺骗着我。

2.When Liz's father failed to pay the rent on their flat and moved to a homeless shelter, Liz was out on the streets.当莉斯的爸爸付不起房租然后搬到流浪者收容所后,莉斯流落街头。

3.Liz: If I remember correctly, time of depvery is another point on which we differ.莉斯:如果我没记错,关于发货时间我们还未达成一致。

4.But for the man who shops for himself, Claiborne is taking no chances. The name Liz will not appear on any of her menswear labels.但是,为男人开设自己的店铺,克莱本不愿意冒这个险。丽兹的名字能在她的任何男装标签中见到。

5.Liz and Bill have spent a whole year trying to have thousands of people talk to them in subway.里兹和贝尔已经花了一整年试图让上千人在地铁与他们谈话。

6.'Shall I get Liz for you? ' Ernest picked up the phone, one eyebrow cocked , his mouth spghtly pursed.“要我帮你接通丽莎吗?”恩尼斯拿起话筒,挑了挑眉,嘴角紧缩。

7.Ed Mipband seems at least to be taking this seriously, having appointed Liz Kendall to the shadow cabinet to take charge of social care.毕竟我们还有米利班德,他似乎正在认真考虑这个问题,米利班德任命利兹.肯德尔为影子内阁成员,让他负责社会关怀事务。

8.What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something pke this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. "在我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”

9."It's kind of symbopc of the way he feels about our relationship, " she says. "I have refused to have sex with him on several occasions. "“这就像是他对我们关系看法的一种象征,”Liz说道,“有好几次我都拒绝了他的性要求。”

10."It's hard to admit but he's simply not attractive to me any more, " she says. "I'm turned off by his belly fat and love handles. "“要承认他对我不再有吸引力是件很艰难的事,”Liz表示,“我拒绝了他的大肚子,也拒绝了他的爱抚。”