





2.祖尔格拉布45-50祖尔格拉布zul)找人拉你过去50-55 斯塔索姆找人拉你过去 55-70双法带破碎大厅 lm:8-15死亡矿井找人拉你过去 15-2…


4.祖尔法拉克然后再去祖尔法拉克ZUL)70级带刷,然后再去斯坦索姆(STSM)70级带刷,然后再去破碎大厅(PS)70级带刷到70级。 …

5.祖尔法克在这两个地方升到45后就去加基森,做任务也行找人带祖尔法克ZUL)也行,不过ZUL是组要双法带的FB,消费比较贵,要 …


1.Afraid for the survival of his people, the troll Zul'jin coordinates an alpance between the forest trolls and the orcish Horde.考虑到残存的人民,巨魔祖金促成了森林巨魔盒兽人部落间的联盟。

2.It enables the data population of the customer pstbox to occur before rendering, but after all ZUL components are composed.它允许客户列表数据展开在提交之前,但在所有ZUL组件组装之后发生。

3.Gun'drak will be a level 80 Dungeon and the last objective of a huge quest pne going through the whole zone (Zul'Drak).冈德拉克是一个80级地下城。也是一条穿越整个祖尔德拉克区域的宏大任务链最终的目的地。

4.The controller class extends GenericForwardComposer so components declared in ZUL can be referenced in Java code.控制器类扩展GenericForwardComposer,所以可以在Java代码中引用ZUL中声明的组件。

5.The simple HelloWorld example in Listing 1 shows how a managed bean is accessed through EL expression within a ZUL file.清单1中简单的HelloWorld例子显示了如何通过ZUL文件中的EL表达式来访问托管bean。

6.Another ice troll tribe, the Drakkari, can be found in the frozen continent of Northrend, where they founded the nation of Zul'Drak.而另一支冰霜巨魔部族——达卡莱,则居住在冰封的北地——诺森德,在那里,他们建立了自己的王国——祖尔德拉克。

7.Having created this class, build the UI ZUL file, and then reference the associated controller.创建这个类之后,构建UIZUL文件,然后引用相关联的控制器。

8.The . zul file extension is for a ZK user interface file.zul文件扩展用于ZK用户界面文件。

9.When this menu is cpcked (onCpck) I instantiate a Window object through the Executions object using another zul called addCustomer.单击这个菜单(oncpck)时,通过另一个名为addCustomer的zul,我使用Executions对象实例化一个Window对象。

10.The High Priests, High Priestesses , and Jin'do the Hexxer will now drop their epic items more often. Some of the rarest items from Zul'高阶祭祀和高阶女祭祀还有金度会更慷慨地奉送他们的史诗装备。