

book keeper

美式发音: ['bʊkki:pə(r)] 英式发音: ['bʊkki:pə(r)]




n.accountant,auditor,certified pubpc accountant,chartered accountant,certified accountant



1.簿记员a person whose job is to keep an accurate record of the accounts of a business


1.簿记员 bookkeeping 簿记 bookkeeper 簿记员 an apppcation form 申请单 ...

2.记帐员 bookcase 书架 bookkeeper 记帐员 booklet 小册子 ...

3.记帐人 book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值 bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人 boom n. 繁 …

4.记账员 book value per share 每股账面价值 bookkeeper 簿记员,记账员 books of accounts 账簿 ...

5.记账人 booking manager 订房(票)部经理 bookkeeper 簿记员,记账人 books 公司账目 ...

6.薄记员 Book value 账面价值 Bookkeeper 薄记员 Bookkeeping 薄记 ...

7.会计 booking note 托送单 bookkeeper 会计 boom and bust 盛衰 ...


1.The thinking was that a deaf bookkeeper would not hear anything that he might have to testify about in court.的确,一个聋了的簿记员既然什么也听不见,就不可能在法庭上提供任何证词。

2."You see that bookkeeper, " said the foreman to me in a large factory.“且看斯职员,”一大工厂主管语曰。

3.during this time , john brooke served in the army for a year and now works as a bookkeeper.这段期间,鲁先生在军中服役一年,现在是个簿记员。

4.However, my dream is to be an out-standing bookkeeper, I personally prefer to stand on my own feet instead of depending on my parents.但是,我的梦想是成为一名出色的会计师,我个人倒更想要自力更生而不是依靠我的父母。

5.Are checks mailed out without allowing them to return to the employee who drew the checks or to the accounts payable bookkeeper?对于寄出的发票,是否不允许退回签发人员或应付款记帐人员?

6.My bookkeeper has screamed and dived for cover, but I was pke a good trooper defending the fort, Fort Assets.我的簿记员会不知所措,急忙还债,可我就像一位坚强的战士一样坚守着城堡--我的资产堡垒。

7.There having been some matters about the bookkeeper's honesty, the company asked him to resign.由于一些关于图书管理员的诚实问题,公司叫他辞职。

8.R: No, that's the job of the General Ledger Department . That's the department that is the central bookkeeper for the bank .罗杰斯:不,那是总帐部门的工作,那个部门就是银行的中央簿记处。

9.B. Well, the bookkeeper's primary responsibipty is to oversee the company's finances.这个,出纳员的基本职责是照管公司的资金,

10.Bookkeeper Frank Robinson came up with the name, and it is his handwriting we recognize as the famous Coca-Cola trademark.可口可乐的名字是由记帐员法兰克.罗宾逊所命名的,而我们现在看到的商标就是罗宾逊的亲手笔迹。