


美式发音: 英式发音: 

网络释义:垃圾;搭接(LAP JOINT);铝绞线


abbr.1.Lord Justice

1.垃圾 LBT 路边摊。 lj 垃圾。 LM 辣妹 ...

2.搭接(LAP JOINT) 活套法兰,SO(SLIP ON) 3 叠焊法兰,LJLAP JOINT) 4 承插焊, SW(SOCKET WELDING) 5 螺纹连接法兰,(T…

3.铝绞线 ldr: 氯丁橡胶 lj接体型氯丁橡胶 lldpe: 线性低密度聚乙烯 ...


1.LJ runs back to the house and finds his mother face down in the doorway.LJ跑回屋看见他的母亲脸朝下倒在门口。

2.She tells him that LJ is beginning to feel pke everyone he cares about is going to end up in prison.她告诉迈克尔LJ已经开始认为他所关心的每个人都将在监狱里终其一生,而且并不只是LJ会有这种感觉。

3.The doorbell of LJ's suburban house rings and he heads to open it. He looks out the front door.在郊外,LJ家的门铃响起,他走过去开了门。

4.Lincoln closes his eyes and flashes back to cooking breakfast with a young LJ.Lincoln闭上眼回想以前,他当时为年纪还很小LJ做早餐。

5.LJ is being scolded by his mother, Lisa Rix.LJ的母亲LisaRix责骂着他。

6.Hale hangs up, steps out of the car and looks at the small group of mourners gathered at a tearful graveside service for LJ's mother.Hale挂断了,走出车外,观察着LJ母亲坟墓边的一小群哀悼者,他们是来送葬的。

7.LJ threatens to go to the popce, but Kellerman tells him that might not be such a good idea since LJ's prints are on the weapon.LJ威胁说要报警,Kellerman却告诉他,报警并不是一个好主意,因为射杀他父母的武器上是LJ的指纹。

8.LJ's phone vibrates. Kellerman and Hale key in on the sound, but a man at the entrance of the lot honks his horn, distracting them.LJ的手机振动了,Kellerman和Hale注意到这个声音,但在停车场入口的一个家伙按响了车喇叭,使他们分神。

9.LJ walks to his mother's casket and breaks down.LJ走到他母亲的棺材边大声恸哭。

10.LJ and a friend ride their bikes through a dark alley in Chicago. They arrive at a set of doors, push a buzzer and a well-dressed man exits.在芝加哥,LJ和他的一个朋友骑着自行车通过一个黑暗的巷子,他们在一扇门前停下来,发出一个信号后,一个衣着时髦的男子出来了。