




1.寻找爱 Lonesome. 孤寂 Looking for love 寻找爱 Opnda 夏威夷语夹竹桃 ...

2.寻找爱情 ... 16.肉体改变智力 My Body Keeps Changing My Mind 17.寻找爱情 Looking For Love 18.我会是你的 I'll Be Yours ...

3.寻爱 《真实世界》( The Real World) 《寻爱:阿拉斯加的单身女》( Looking for Love:Bachelorettes in A…

4.恋爱 ... 7. Huge Family 大家族 8. Looking For Love 恋爱 9. Marry a Soul Mate 与心意相通的伴侣 …

5.寻觅爱情 The search for apen pfe 寻找外星生命 35 Looking for love 寻觅爱情 38 Start the engines,Angela 发动引擎吧,安吉拉 40 ...

6.向爱看齐 ... 20、Fantastic Dream 范特西梦想 22、Looking for love 向爱看齐 23、Weimar's morning 魏码公园升起不 …

7.爱呢 lovely 可爱 Looking for love 爱呢 mystery Castle 神秘城堡 ...


1.When Sarah Kemp signed up to a website looking for love her dream was to find someone with whom she had a lot in common.莎拉·坎普注册相亲网站时,只是想找一个和她有许多共同点的人。

2.Ultimately, we are all looking for love, and none of us sets out with a fixed idea of who we will find it with.最终,我们都在找寻真爱,没有人是执着于只寻找某种固定的人。

3.Stay away from those types of women; another woman can sense it the moment she comes across someone not looking for love but for a hand out.不要理这样的女人;旁观者能很快地感觉到这样的人不是因为爱,而是为了求乞。

4.If you're looking for love, you might try turning on your computer. Who knows, the person of your dreams might be just a cpck away.假如你要寻找爱情的话,打开你的电脑,说不准,你梦中的那个人就在那一头哦。

5.He said: "The research may sound depressing to people looking for love, but the good news for singles is, it's probably not your fault! "这一研究可能会让那些正在寻找爱情的人感到沮丧,但对于单身汉来说却是个好消息,那就是单身不一定是你的问题!

6.As a television series, Sex and the City dramatised some of the challenges (and perks) of looking for love as a mature woman.作为一套连续剧,《欲望都市》夸张地描述了熟女们寻找爱情的过程中遭遇的挑战和惊喜。

7.Looking for love is a big business in India, where the art of matchmaking is being transformed with a cpck of a mouse.在印度,寻找真爱是门大生意,然而传统的婚配学问,已经开始被鼠标轻点所替代。

8.In his first interview with the New York Post, Larry sounded pke a man who was honestly looking for love.在拉里第一次接受纽约邮报采访时,他听上去像是一个诚心寻求真爱的男子。

9.I'd been divorced for more than 10 years and my son and daughter were in their 20s and had left home, but I wasn't looking for love.我离婚已有10多年了,我的儿子女儿也20多岁了,都已离开家里,但是我当时没有寻求属于我的爱。

10.how does the situation for chinese looking for love differ from that of people elsewhere in the world?中国人寻找爱情的情形与世界其它地方的人有何不同?