


美式发音: [kəʊˈrɪn] 英式发音: [kəuˈri:n]





n.1.[People Name]a given name of a female

1.科琳 Corinna 科琳娜 Corinne 科琳 Cosette 柯塞特 ...

2.科琳娜 ... Renee 芮妮 Corinne 科林 Miette 梅亚特 ...

5.处女 Cordepa 美人鱼 Corinne 处女 ComeIa 稀有的 ...

6.科丽娜 显尔堡( Cherbourg) 科里纳Corinne) 科尔默南( Cormenin) ...

8.涂晓宇 Sanyee 阮圣宇 Corinne 涂晓宇 Ellen 何健敏 ...


1.DOLLY: I'm not what you think, Corinne. I'm not prudish at all.朵莉:我不是你想的那种人,我一点也不过分拘谨。

2.CORINNE: I'm really surprised at this. I didn't think you were pke this.哥琳娜:我真的很惊讶,我以前不觉得你是这样的人。

3.CORINNE: There was a time in American history when alcohol was even illegal.可琳恩:在美国历史上酒甚至一度是非法的。

4.Daughter Corinne appeared on stage clutching her 15-month-old toddler Serena. Grandpa embraced the child who promptly cried.布拉特的女儿科林也带着15个月大、刚学会走路的孩子塞雷娜登台,小家伙被爷爷抱住,一把哭了起来。

5.Corinne Maier is the author of "Bonjour Laziness" and "No Kids: 40 Good Reasons Not to Have Children. "法国人气作家CorinneMaier是《你好,懒惰》,《法国妈不生孩子的40个理由》的作者。

6.The Facebook page of the couple's daughter, Corinne, an Oxford graduate and aspiring actor, has also been removed.这对夫妇的女儿Corinne,毕业于牛津,是个志向远大的演员。她的Facebook页面也被移除了。

7.The program will see him dance with former Bond girl Corinne Clery and Carol Alt, a playmate in this month's Playboy.据悉,前邦德女郎克里妮•克莱丽和本月《花花公子》杂志的性感模特卡罗尔•埃尔特将是他的舞伴。

8.CORINNE: I just saw "Something About Mary" last night. It was hilarious.哥琳娜:我昨晚看了《哈拉玛莉》,实在太好笑了。

9.CORINNE: At 9: 00, they have to put a lock on the beer cooler.可琳恩:一到九点,他们必须把啤酒的冰箱锁起来。

10.CORINNE: Oh, you are too conservative. That's all just reapstic.哥琳娜:你太保守了,那都是真实的一面。