


网络释义:日志序列号(Log Sequence Number);Large Scale NAT;日志序号


1.日志序列号(Log Sequence Number)有关日志序列号 (LSN) 的信息,请参阅日志序列号简介的介绍。对于差异备份,该值是差异基准的唯一标识符。

2.Large Scale NAT运营商级NAT( Carrier Grade NAT) 又称为 LSN (Large Scale NAT), 是专门为满足运营商级别NAT需求而提出的NAT技术。( …

3.日志序号日志序号 (LSN) 标识特定日志文件记录在日志文件中的位置。LSN 由 DB2® 产品中的许多组件用来维护数据库一致性和完整性。

4.记录序号您可使用记录序号 (LSN) 定义还原作业的复原点。但是,这是为工具供应商所提供的特定功能,未必普遍适用。


1.For data and differential backups ( and for log backups containing bulk-logged operations ) , roll forward must go at least up to this LSN.对于数据备份和差异备份(以及包含大容量日志操作的日志备份),必须至少前滚到此LSN。

2.At the time that the recorded checkpoint at LSN 147 was processed, Tran 1 had been committed and Tran 2 was the only active transaction.在处理LSN147处记录的检查点时,Tran1已经提交,而Tran2是唯一的活动事务。

3.The sys. Database_files and sys. Master_files catalog views both contain the redo LSN columns, but these views are not always consistent.sys.database_files和sys.master_files目录视图都包含重做LSN列,但这两个视图并不总是一致的。

4.The point (LSN, GUID) at which a new recovery branch is started every time a RESTORE WITH RECOVERY operation is performed.每次执行RESTOREWITHRECOVERY操作时新恢复分支的开始点(LSN,GUID)。

5.LSN of the next commit record awaiting depvery to the distribution database.等待传送到分发数据库的下一个提交记录的LSN。

6.Is the log sequence number (LSN) of the first record for the last distributed transaction of the server.服务器的最后一个已分发事务的第一个记录的日志序列号(LSN)。

7.ACTIVE: The active portion of the log begins at the minimum log sequence number (LSN) that represents an active (uncommitted) transaction.ACTIVE:日志的活动部分从代表活动(未提交)事务的最小日志序列号(LSN)开始。

8.Is the LSN of the last record for the last distributed transaction of the server.服务器的最后一个已分发事务的最后一个记录的LSN。

9.It lsn't easy to pve in a new neighbourhood.在新地方生活不容易。

10.For log backups, the log backup includes log records up to but not including this LSN.对于日志备份,它包含的日志记录最多到(但不包含)此LSN。