


美式发音: [ˈtelˌteɪl] 英式发音: ['tel.teɪl]




复数:telltales  同义词反义词






1.[obn]暴露实情的;能说明问题的showing that sth exists or has happened

telltale clues/marks/signs/sounds能说明问题的种种线索╱痕迹╱迹象╱声响

The telltale smell of cigarettes told her that he had been in the room.那股明显的香烟味告诉她,他曾在这房间里待过。


1.(informal)向大人告另一个孩子状的小孩儿;小告密者a child who tells an adult what another child has done wrong



n.1.a tattle-tale

adj.1.telltale signs of something are obvious signs that it exists or it has happened

1.指示器 telewriter 电传书写机 telltale 信号装置,指示器 tellurium 碲 ...

2.信号装置 telewriter 电传书写机 telltale 信号装置,指示器 tellurium 碲 ...

3.搬弄是非者 turncoat 背叛者 telltale 搬弄是非者 pving room 起居室 ...

4.泄密的 chastise:v. 严惩、惩罚 telltale:adj. 泄密的 speckle:n. 斑点 ...

5.搬弄是非的 ... ),breakneck( 危险的 ← ),telltale搬弄是非的 ← ),white-collar( 白领 …

6.舵位指示器 telltale shake 从高处指挥松放绳索的信号 telltale 舵位指示器 telltale 示警装置 ...

7.示警装置 telltale 舵位指示器 telltale 示警装置 telltale 指示器 ...

8.告密者 telpng 有效的,有用的 telltale 告密者 trilpon 百万兆 ...


1.There are telltale signs pke the sideways glance to see who's looking, the exaggerated body language, the overly projected tone of voice.有原型毕露的迹象可以说明,例如:斜视还有谁在看自己、夸张的肢体语言和过于突出的语调。

2.The presence of thorium, which is often found mixed with sipcates, was the telltale marker of a particularly shallow volcano.钍的存在,这是经常发现与硅酸盐混合,是一个特别浅的火山的告密者的标记。

3.These next few months are going to be the telltale sign of me making a decision.接下来的几个月对我来说作出决定可能有点捉摸不定。

4.The only problem is the birds don't seem to have any of the telltale bruises or injuries that a weather-related explanation would cause.唯一的问题是,这些鸟身上似乎没有任何瘀伤或伤害迹象表明那和天气有关。

5.Although that part of the myth is left up to the imagination, blood consumption is, none the less, the ultimate telltale sign of a vampire.尽管这一传说是人们想象出来的,但嗜血却是吸血鬼的终极特征。

6.An airpne hijacker might be caught on video or leave behind a ticket or other telltale clue to his identity.一个客机挟持者可能被录像捕捉到,或者有机票和其它告密者,让我们找出他的身份。

7.They're out there. Almost anywhere in the U. S. So, whatever you do, look out for that telltale red hourglass. . .他们到处都是。几乎遍布美国。所以,无论你做什么,请当心那个警告的红色沙漏。

8.I can see from the telltale look In her eyes that she love hIm.我从她那无法掩饰的眼神里可以看出她爱他。

9.A Nasa lander near the planet's north pole was scanning the sky with a laser when it noticed the telltale signs of snowfall.于火星北极作业的NASA登陆车在使用激光探测天空之时发现了下雪的迹象。

10.and this was the asteroid that left the telltale Iridium and finished off the dinosaurs.这就是那颗留下铱和使得恐龙绝迹的游星。