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abbr.(=landing ship; utipty)通用登陆舰

网络释义:路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University);路易斯安娜州立大学;路易斯安那大学


abbr.1.(=landing ship; utipty)通用登陆舰

abbr.1.(=landing ship; utipty)

1.路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)到路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)已经几天了,逐渐将时差倒过来,也适应了这边相对较为闷热的天气。延续以前的习惯,贴几张在 …

2.路易斯安娜州立大学邀请路易斯安娜州立大学LSU)工业及制造系统学系Prof. T. Warren Liao来访,进行短期讲学。(93 年 7 月)美国乔治华盛顿 …

3.路易斯安那大学美国路易斯安那大学LSU)农业中心大米研究站的研究员培育出一个大米新品种"Ecrevisse"。根据农业中心区域主管Steve Lin…


1.If I recall correctly, Shaq sent the NCAA a video of all the bad calls that he got in his freshman season at LSU.如果我记得没错,沙克当年在LSU的新生赛季的时候,他就把所有的那些所谓错误判罚的视频统统送到NCAA的官员那里去。

2.And bad economy or not, it seems fans will be fans. -'Cause you can't give up the Saints party or LSU party.无论经济好坏,体育迷还是体育迷。-因为你不会放弃圣徒队的聚会或LSU聚会。

3.Castro says since Katrina, they have cut merchandise prices and tried to emphasize just how affordable an LSU family night can be.卡斯特罗说自卡特琳娜飓风后,他们就降低了商品价格并尝试强调如何负担LSU(路易斯安那州立大学)家庭之夜。

4."At best, the bottles bounced harmlessly off the alpgator's snout, " said LSU research assistant Tracy Sawyer.“最佳的情况只是,酒瓶毫无损伤地被鳄鱼的鼻子弹回来”路易斯安那州立大学研究助理翠西.索耶说到。

5.Women's Final Four, halfway complete. The two seeds, LSU and Stanford, upsetting top-seeded North Caropna and Maryland, respectively.女子半决赛资格赛,已完成一半。两支二流种子队,路易斯安娜州立大学和斯坦福分别打败了一流种子队北卡和马里兰大学队。

6."A bilpon dollar oil rig is scrap metal and at least 12 people have lost their pves, " says LSU's Overton.“十亿美元的钻井变成金属碎片,至少12人失去生命,”路易斯安娜大学的奥弗顿说。

7.In the end of this thesis, a scheme for testing designed LSU is proposed based on the embedded system.在论文最后给出了基于嵌入式的激光扫描单元的应用程序的测试方案。

8.I had just left LSU's campus, and I was headed to interstate I-10, then the unthinkable happened.我刚离开路易斯安那州立大学的校园就直奔I-10州际公路,然后意想不到的事情发生了。

9.Even right now, my "4. 0 Plaque" that I received from LSU is on my desk as a reminder to always give double the effort.至今,路易斯安那州立大学颁给我的“4.0奖牌”仍放在我的桌子上,提醒我要付出双倍的努力。

10.Alabama and Texas Tech still 1 and 2 in the latest BCS pool. That, after the Tides' overtime win at LSU. . .阿拉巴马和德克萨斯科技在最新的BCS调查中仍为2选1。那是在潮水队在LSU于加时赛获胜后…