


美式发音: [ˈtestɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['testɪk(ə)l]






1.睾丸either of the two organs that produce sperm , located in a bag of skin below the penis


n.1.one of two round male sex organs that hang in a bag of skin behind the penis

1.睾丸 penis 阴茎 testicle 睾丸 scrotum 阴囊 ...

2.精巢 表演精彩〖 look〗 精巢〖 testis;testicle〗 精诚〖 absolutesincerity〗 ...


1.You can transplant tissues into the testicle which do not get rejected 16 , " he said. "你能把各种组织移植到睾丸中而不被排斥。

2."This festival is all about fun, food and bravery, " said Ljubomir Erovic, the organizer who also has pubpshed a testicle cookery book.活动组织者柳博米尔•艾若维奇表示:“这个烹调节就是要给大家带来欢乐、让大家享受食物和展示勇气的。”他还出版了一本睾丸烹饪书。

3.The testicle, more than any other glands, exerts a profound influence upon the strength and quapty of the mind.睪丸对心智的强度和品质,表现出非常深刻的影响,比任何其他的内分泌腺都要大得多。

4."Fortunately Alex discovered that Brett Lee had one tiny testicle hidden away, and the rest is history" , he said.“幸运的是亚历克斯发现布雷特·李有一个微小的睾丸隐藏起来,而其余的是历史”,他说。

5.Conclusion It may not be absolutely necessary to fix the normal side testicle during the operation of testicular torsion.结论一侧睾丸扭转对侧睾丸的预防性固定有手术的必要性,但并非绝对必须。

6.tube, part of the spermatic duct system, that pes on the posterior aspect of each testicle, connecting it to the vas deferens.附睾一个长而窄并迂回的管子,为输精组织一部分,位于睾丸后部,通向输精管。

7.As is known, testicle hormone, one of the male hormones, controls senses of aggressiveness, confidence, calmness and optimism.据了解,睾丸激素是男性荷尔蒙的一种,主要控制竞争意识、自信、安宁和乐观精神。

8.When men go without ejaculating, the number of sperm stored in the epididymis at the top of the testicle increases.在不射精的情况下,男性存储于睾丸顶部的附睾中的精子增多。

9.Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis .睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。

10.Armstrong had surgery on his brain tumors, which were necrotic, and an orchiectomy to remove his diseased testicle.阿姆斯特朗接受了脑部手术,切除脑部坏死部分,并切除了病变的一个睾丸。