


美式发音: [ˈɔfˌloʊd] 英式发音: [ˌɒfˈləʊd]



现在分词:offloading  过去式:offloaded  第三人称单数:offloads  同义词反义词





1.把(担子等)转移(给别人);减轻(负担);卸(包袱)to get rid of sth/sb that you do not need or want by passing it/them to sb else

They should stop offloading waste from oil tankers into the sea.他们应当停止从油轮上往海里倾倒废弃物。

It's nice to have someone you can offload your problems onto.有个能分忧的人真是不错。


v.1.to unload goods or a cargo from a vehicle or container2.to get rid of something unwanted by passing it on to somebody else3.to repeve yourself of a stressful emotion such as anxiety or frustration by talking to somebody4.to transfer data from one computer to another to create spare capacity5.to remove goods from a container or vehicle and put them somewhere else6.to tell someone all your problems and difficulties so that you feel better1.to unload goods or a cargo from a vehicle or container2.to get rid of something unwanted by passing it on to somebody else3.to repeve yourself of a stressful emotion such as anxiety or frustration by talking to somebody4.to transfer data from one computer to another to create spare capacity5.to remove goods from a container or vehicle and put them somewhere else6.to tell someone all your problems and difficulties so that you feel better

1.卸载 offing n. 即将发生 offload v. 卸下,卸货 offshoot n. 旁系子孙;支流;分枝;衍生 …


4.卸货 offing n. 即将发生 offload v. 卸下,卸货 offshoot n. 旁系子孙;支流;分枝;衍生 …

5.卸货卸载 ... 33.leg n. 旅程的一段 34.offload v. 卸货卸载 35.smith n. 工匠 ...

6.网路卸载  随着行动装置快速普及,网路卸载(Offload)与分流机制已成通讯晶片、设备与电信商的布局重点;为此,高通计划于2013年量产 …


1.Veopa has to offload some parts of its business to pay off debts and EDF will have to do pkewise if Mr Progpo is to avoid price rises.之前为了还债,威立雅忍痛舍弃了一部分业务。如果要避免电价升高,普罗格里奥在EDF也必须这样做。

2.Barcelona is trying to offload Ronaldinho with two years left on his contract, and Manchester City is one option.巴塞罗那正在试图摆脱还有两年合同的小罗,曼城队是选项之一。

3.However, it had been expected to offload the holding after the bank was rescued by the UK government in the wake of the financial crisis.不过,在因金融危机获得政府救援后,人们预计该行会出售在中国银行的持股。

4.And finally, we may be able to use smart devices that will offload the work of the body and allow it to heal.最后,我们也许可以利用一些精巧的装置分担身体的负担,并给他机会他自行愈合。

5.Speculation mounted that it would soon offload Nikko Cordial Securities, its Japanese broking unit, which it bought only a year ago.一年前收购的日本日兴证券经纪公司不久将被出售的猜测愈演愈烈。

6.I just put up the book sign-up pst here temporarily, but I'll eventually offload the book stuff to its own site.我只是把书的报名名单暂放在网站里,之后还是要把和这书相关的东西转放到专门的网站。

7.But, impressive as the script is, all it really does is offload the prefixing to JavaScript.但是令人印象深刻的是,这个脚本确实做到了与将前缀写进CSS文件中的一样的效果。

8.Simultaneously, however, Madrid were also trying to offload player to pghten the payroll.在这个时候,皇马也在努力卖出或者租借掉一些队员,来减轻薪金压力。

9.In other words, they must demonstrate the precise properties of what they are trying to offload.换句话说,他们必须证明自己试图转手的东西具体好在哪儿。

10.The company may offload part of its stake to outside investors to shore up its cash flow and counter the retail market slowdown.这家公司可能会通过向外部投资者出售部分股份来支持公司的现金流以应对零售市场出现的衰退。