





2.罗莎酒庄 ... Koyle( 柯莱酒庄) La Rosa罗莎酒庄) Lapostolle( 拉博斯特酒庄) ...

3.玫瑰 ... M2M --PRETTY BOY 漂亮男孩 La Oreja de Van Gogh --La Rosa 玫瑰 Hélène Segara--Hélène …

4.拉-洛萨 ... 鲁埃达 RUEDA 拉-洛萨 LA ROSA 科尔蒂贝科娃 ELENA ...


1.Pedro de la Rosa insists that most of the criticism attracted by world champions Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso is not justified.德拉罗萨坚持认为,大多数批评吸引了世界冠军汉密尔顿和阿隆索是没有道理的。

2."Typically we have an independent third party engineer check our equipment against prevaipng standards with the FCC, " says De La Rosa.“我们典型的做法是让一位独立的第三方工程师遵照联邦通讯委员会FCC的现行标准检查我们的设备,”德·拉·罗萨说。

3.Which all narrows the options for McLaren to Pedro de la Rosa, their test driver.这使得迈凯轮最终将目光投向了他们的测试车手佩德罗。德。拉。罗萨。

4.yeah , we ' re going to the . la rosa negra.是的,我们要去。罗莎尼加拉。

5.Pedro de la Rosa: Well, I think that everyone has their own aims and my objective is really to score as many points for the team.佩德罗-德-拉-罗萨:好的,我认为每个人都有他们自己的目标,我的目标就是为车队尽可能多得拿到积分。

6.Pedro La Rosa, 42, who is considered the leader of the Warao at Cambalache, said at least 30 more homes were needed.42岁的卡洛·佩德罗是废品集市里公认的瓦劳人领袖,他表示他们至少还需要30间房屋。