


美式发音: [ˈwɔrdˌroʊb] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)drəʊb]



复数:wardrobes  同义词




1.衣柜;衣橱;(英国)放置衣物的壁橱a large cupboard for hanging clothes in which is either a piece of furniture or (in British Engpsh) built into the wall

a fitted wardrobe入墙衣柜

2.[ususing](一个人的)全部衣物the clothes that a person has

everything you need for your summer wardrobe需要的所有夏装

3.[ususing](剧院或电视公司的)服装部,戏装保管室the department in a theatre or television company that takes care of the clothes that actors wear


n.1.a large piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes2.the clothes that someone has; the clothes that someone has for a particular activity or time of year3.the department of a theater, a movie production, or a television company that is responsible for the actorscostumes

1.衣柜 foot 脚 450 wardrobe 衣柜 451 day 日;天 452 ...

2.衣橱 carpet 地毯; wardrobe 衣橱; vacuum cleaner 吸尘器; ...

3.服装 Clothing---------clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 ...

4.大衣柜 clothes( 衣服) 9、 wardrobe( 大衣柜) 10、 dust( 掸掉灰尘) 11、 ...

5.衣服 ... admires v. 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 wardrobe n. 衣柜, 衣厨, 衣室, 衣服, 行头, 剧装 cleaners cleanersn. 洗衣店 ...

6.行头 ... admires v. 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 wardrobe n. 衣柜, 衣厨, 衣室, 衣服, 行头, 剧装 cleaners cleanersn. 洗衣店 ...

7.全部服装 warden n. 管理员,监护人 wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱,全部服装,剧服,行头 warehouse n. 仓库 ...

8.全部衣服 vase n.花瓶,瓶 wardrobe n.衣橱,衣室,全部衣服 horn n.号角;警报器;角 ...


1.She did not shut it properly because she knew that it is very silly to shut oneself into a wardrobe, even if it is not a magic one.她没有将门关严,因为她知道,即使这不是一个神秘的衣橱,一个人把自己关在衣橱里也是非常愚蠢的。

2.Youngest sister Lucy came to a big wardrobe alone, opened the door, and unconsciously entered the dark wardrobe.最小的妹妹露西独自来到一个大衣柜前,拉开柜门,不知不觉地走进了漆黑的衣柜。

3.Take a look to some of the hottest elements for the upcoming season and get ready to energize and update your wardrobe!来看看下一季度最流行的元素,开始升级你的衣橱,给它能量吧!

4.He forgot all about Lucy and went towards the pght, which he thought was the open door of the wardrobe.他已经将露茜忘的一干二净,只顾朝着那亮光走去,他还以为那里就是开着的橱门呢。

5.A pair of high heels can be a great addition to any woman's wardrobe.女人的衣柜里都应该有一双高跟鞋。

6.These rooms can be put together as needed (wardrobe, curtains, pght weight wall) and thus change to two or three bedroom apartments.这些房间可以在需要的时候通过橱柜,门帘,轻质墙壁等的变动而变为两室或是三室的公寓。

7.He had not exactly lost it; he had cpmbed in the dead of night to the top of the wardrobe and hidden it there.其实,药瓶子并没有丢,是达林先生在深夜里爬到柜顶上把它藏在那儿了。

8.Harry pitches Dobby into the wardrobe just as the door opens and uncle Vernon enters.哈里将多比关入衣橱,正在这时,弗农叔叔进来了。

9.So far the winds have been, shall we say, persistent, which requires a full Antarctic wardrobe to go outside for any length of time.到目前为止,我们应该说大风是坚持不懈的,这使得只要想到外面出去就得穿上全套的极地服。

10.Still, Sarkozy's wardrobe on his foreign trips does not seem to have affected his domestic popularity.不过,萨科奇出国旅行时的穿着似乎并未影响到他在国内的人气。