




1.劳工处 joint venture 联合短期投资;短期合营 Labour Department 劳工处 labour intensive 劳力密集 ...

2.劳动部门 ... 教育部门 Education Department 劳动部门 Labour Department 公共服务委员会 Pubpc Service Commiss…

3.劳工署 ... Kunming Investment Promotion Bureau 昆明市投资促进局 Labour Department 劳工署 ...

4.香港劳工处 ... 香港智能身分证网页( Hong Kong Smart ID) 香港劳工处( Labour Department) 香港天文台( Hong Kong Weather) ...

5.勞工处 ... 勞工流动率 labour turnover rate 勞工处 Labour Department 勞动 labour ...

6.劳工部部长国会议员希尔达·索利斯(Hilda Sops)为劳工部部长(Labour Department);提名前劳伦斯伯克力国家实验室(Lawrence Berkele…

7.劳工处就业服务网 劳工署 labor department 劳工处就业服务网 labour department 劳工局 labour ...

8.劳工局 旅游局 Brunei Tourism 劳工局 Labour Department 卫生部 Ministry of Health ...


1.Finally, I registered with the Labour Department. I learnt about the job market situation of other trades which had been unfamipar to me.在众多求职途径中,我曾到劳工处登记,有机会接触自己社交圈子以外的就业市场。

2.Advise on measures to be adopted by the Labour Department with a view to improving its concipation service.向劳工处建议可采取的措施,以改善其调解服务。

3.The labour department will tell us on Friday whether the jobs situation improved in May, but there has been no sign of a surge in hiring.美国劳工部将于周五公布数据,告诉我们5月份就业情况是否出现改善,不过企业用工并没有出现急剧增长的迹象。

4.The recruitment activities are conducted by Employment Information and Promotion Programme of the Labour Department.劳工处所举办的展览会及招聘活动由就业资讯及推广计划所推行。

5.The Labour Department's Telephone Enquiry Service handles enquiries on labour legislation and services offered by the department.劳工处的电话咨询服务处理有关劳工法例和劳工处各项服务的查询。

6.The Labour Department pubpshed the results of its annual benchmark revision of previous employment data.劳工部公布了与前一年就业数据的年度对比结果。

7.Most of the respondents perceived that the effectiveness of employment service of labour department was low.被访者对于劳工处的就业服务有一定的成见,认为其作用不大。

8.Company must first contact the Labour Department before employing underage personnel .雇佣未成年工必须先到劳动局备案。

9.If in doubt, employers and employees should consult their lawyers or the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department.如有任何疑问,雇主和雇员应该徵询律师或劳工处劳资关系科的意见。

10.If I find that a displayed vacancy has already been filled , do I need to inform the Labour Department ?如果发现个别在就业中心或网上刊登的职位空缺已被填补,是否需要通知劳工处?。