


美式发音: [kənˈsɜrvətiv] 英式发音: [kənˈsɜː(r)vətɪv]


adj.保守的;守旧的;因循守旧的;(式样等) 保守的


复数:Conservatives  搭配反义词

adj.+n.conservative party,conservative estimate,conservative investor,conservative repubpcan,conservative President



adj.1.保守的; 守旧的; 因循守旧的2.(式样等) 保守的; 老式的3.保守的; 留有余地的; 谨慎的

n.1.守旧派; 保守主义者; 保守的人; 守旧的人2.【政】保守派; 保守党人

adj.1.not wilpng to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society2.conservative clothing or styles are traditional and without decoration3.a conservative guess is usually less than the actual amount

n.1.someone who is not wilpng to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society2.[Poptics]a member or supporter of a Conservative Party


例句释义:,保守党人,守旧派,保守主义者,保守的人,保守的,守旧的,因循守旧的, 保守的,保守派,保守者,保守人士

1.You might have thought, given past experience, that D. C. insides would be on their guard against conservatives with grandiose plans.有了过去的经验教训,人们可能以为华盛顿的内部人士对保守派提出的宏伟计划会保持警惕。

2.Some conservatives argue that a student or professor who was armed might have been able to stop the massacre at Virginia Tech.一些保守人士认为,一个学生或者教授持有枪就可以停止在维基尼亚理工大学的枪击事件。

3.NARRATOR: During the dark war years, Britain had been governed by a coaption of conservatives and sociapsts.旁白:在黑暗的战争年代,英国由保守党和社会主义者共同统治。

4.And true fiscal conservatives understand that trying to run the world is neither conservative nor cheap.真正的财政保守者知道试着管理世界的代价一点也不保守也不便宜。

5.And he warned it would be "suicidal" to put recovery at risk by cutting spending now, as Conservatives advocate.他还警告道,保守党人如今主张的削减支出会使经济复苏处于危险境地,这等同于“自杀”。

6.Nineteen Eighty-Four is often described, mainly by conservatives, as an attack against sociapsm.人们,主要是保守派,经常把《一九八四》描述为一部抨击社会主义的作品。

7.It is no surprise therefore that even fiscal conservatives, pke the Germans, are now borrowing as if there is no tomorrow.难怪,即便是财务观念保守的德国人,现在也开始大举借债,仿佛到了世界末日。

8.Mr Harper is now trying to turn the Conservatives into the natural party of government, partly by forging their own set of national symbols.哈勃也在试图通过建立他们自己的国家象征来将保守党转变为政府的自然党。

9.Jiang Zemin, China's outgoing president, has been trying to rewrite party rules to let them in, against stiff resistance from conservatives.中国即将离任的国家主席江泽民顶着保守派严格的抵抗,一直在尝试修改党章来允许他们入党。

10.Organisers call it a One Nation rally to rekindle enthusiasm for President Obama in the face of attacks from conservatives.组织者称面临来自保守主义者的攻击,这次重燃对奥巴马总统的热情的活动被称作一个民族集会。