


美式发音: [ˈmeɪniə] 英式发音: ['meɪniə]



复数:manias  同义词




1.[c][ususing][u]~ (for sth/for doing sth)(通常指许多人共有的)强烈的欲望,狂热,极大的热情an extremely strong desire or enthusiasm for sth, often shared by a lot of people at the same time

He had a mania for fast cars.他是个飞车狂。

Football mania is sweeping the country.足球热正风靡全国。

2.[u]躁狂症a mental illness in which sb has an obsession about sth that makes them extremely anxious, violent or confused


n.1.an extremely strong enthusiasm for something, especially among a lot of people2.a mental illness that makes someone behave in an extremely excited and active way

1.狂热 第三关:工厂( TANKSTORE) 第五关:狂热MANIA) 第六关:重击( THEBI…

2.躁狂症 disappearance n. 失踪 mania n. 癖好 puma n. 美洲狮 ...

4.狂躁 mammoth n. 长毛象 mania n. (医)颠狂,狂躁,癖好,狂热 manned a. 载人的 ...

5.癫狂 anemia 贫血,贫血症 mania 癫狂,狂热 megalomania 自大狂 ...

6.躁症 ... maneuver n. 调动,机动;演习;策略;总括; mania n. 疯狂;躁狂症;狂热,癖好 manifest a. 明白的,明显的; ...


1.It's hard to call it a pubpc mania.你很难把这说成是公众脑袋发热。

2.Painstaking to the point of mania, he often cast his ballets at the last minute, usually after trying out several dancers in each role.通常情况下,他是在让几位演员分别饰演每个角色后,才在最后一分钟为他的芭蕾舞剧敲定人选。

3.The classic form of the illness, which involves recurrent episodes of mania and depression, is called bipolar I disorder.这种疾病的典型形式包含周期性的躁狂和抑郁,称为双相I型。

4.During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy.在躁狂时,他们可能精神抖擞难以入睡,他们思想可能飞奔,他们可能精力无限。

5.Mania's family had protested in one argument his cousin had been shot and in the end, they were forced to move to protect the children.马涅的家人反对这种情况,结果他的表弟被射死了,最后,他们被迫搬出来以保护他们的孩子。

6.As I carried on down, the mania began to subside and I felt trapped and lonely in my decision.我继续向下走,心中的狂躁开始平息,我的决定使我感到孤单无助。

7.I said: "Is nothing sacred? It's Sunday morning, I'm in the middle of nowhere, and I can't get away from this Mustang mania! "我说:“是不是没有什么东西属于不可侵犯的了?星期天早上,不知身在何处,还摆脱不了这种野马狂!”

8.While mania is often portrayed as a pleasurable experience, that is not the case for many people with bipolar disorder.虽然狂热往往描绘成一个愉快的经验,这是不是与双极症而言对许多人来说。

9.Wall Street was caught up in a 'mania that prevailed throughout the investment world, ' he said.他说,华尔街陷入了席卷整个投资界的狂躁之中。

10.It seemed as if the mania for quick profits had infected everyone from bank presidents to street corner grocers and school teachers.当时好象从银行行长到街角杂货商以及学校教师,每个人都嗜暴利成癖。