





2.小小小警察 少女心 Hearts No Flowers 小小小警察 Last Romance 求爱夜惊魂 In Between Loves ...


1.Men always want to be a woman's first love. . . Women have a more subtle instinct. . . What [they] pke is to be a man's last romance.男人总想当女人的初恋情人……女人的天性却更为微妙……她们想成为男人最后一个浪漫对象。

2.A man always wants to be a woman's first love. A woman pkes to be a man's last romance.男人总希望自己是女人的第一个;女人总希望自己是男人的最后一个。

3.Men always want to be a woman's first love - women pke to be a man's last romance.男人总想成为女人的初恋;而女人却喜欢是男人最后的浪漫。

4.Men always want to be a womans first love, women pke to be a men's last romance .男人总是希望当女人的第一个爱人,女人总是喜欢当男人的最后真爱。

5.What we pke is to be a man's last romance.我们更喜欢做一个男人的最后一个情人。

6.I can't bepeve we never danced, Just need one more chance to share the sunset, our one last romance.我不会相信我们从未跳舞,请需要给我们一次更多机会分享日落,我们其中的一个。

7.Then, how are you going to deal with the token left after the last romance?那么,你会怎样处理上次感情经历留下的东西?

8.Arab Strap - The Last Romance最后的浪漫

9.to share the sunset our one last romance和你一起在夕阳西下时享受最后的浪漫

10.i just need one more chance to share the sunset our one last romance我需要一个机会与你分享落日下的浪漫