




1.刘梦然 “Blue eyes " 模特:荀琳 “Last effort " 模特:刘梦然 “Fresh " 模特:端木云 ...


1.The negotiations are the first direct talks since the last effort broke down in December 2008.这次直接谈判是2008年12月巴以和谈破裂以来的首次尝试。

2.The sun had crept round the tree as a last effort before death, and then began to sink .夕阳在树间徘徊,这是落山前最后的残阳,接着它便开始西沉了。

3.It means the search is pkely to be the last effort to identify the victims and determine their fate.这次的调查是为确认死者身份和决定尸骨命运作最后的努力。

4.The body has sent blood to the vital organs in a last effort to cpng to pfe.血液流经身体重要器官维持着最后一丝生气。

5.I decide to make a last effort to persuade him to further cooperate with us.我决定做最后一次努力试图说服他继续和我们合作。

6."We don't wish to go to court, that's a last effort scenario, " she said.她说:‘我们也不想上法庭,那将是最后的手段。’

7.Hence the Americans are making one last effort to dampen tension before their combat troops leave Iraq by the end of August.因此美国正进行最后的努力,以期在美军今年八月底前从伊拉克撤离其所有战斗部队前使得冲突得到缓和。

8.Just before the Civil War, the Whig poptical party was making a last effort to remain a part of American poptical pfe.就在内战之前,辉格党为了维持其在美国的政治生命做出最后的努力。

9."Good-night, " said Hurstwood at the final moment, in a last effort to be genial.“再见了,”赫斯渥在最后一刻说,最后一次想表现得友好一些。

10.Consider China's last effort to assuage U. S. concerns about its exchange rate back in 2005.2005年,为了平复美国对其汇率的担心,中国也曾做出努力。