




1.国务卿奥尔布赖特国务卿奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)宣称,新的指导方针并不是针对哪个『具体国家』的,其它美国官员也强调它不是『地 …

2.欧布莱特欧布莱特Madeleine Albright),前美国国务卿,她年轻时,为了照顾三个小孩,专心当了十五年的家庭主妇。直到三十九岁…

3.国务卿欧布莱特莱思曾跟随现任国务卿欧布莱特Madeleine Albright)的父亲研习俄国事务。众所皆知,欧布莱特的父亲激烈反俄,明显地将 …

4.美国前国务卿欧布莱特美国前国务卿欧布莱特Madeleine Albright )和前财政部长波尔森(Hank Paulson)24日在卫斯理大学的「21世纪的中国与 …

5.国务卿奥尔布莱特克林顿的国务卿奥尔布莱特(Madeleine Albright)说过“如果可能,我们就多边行动,如果必要,我们就单边行动。”亨利基辛格听 …


1.Madeleine Albright led off, saying that I had done wrong and she was disappointed, but our only option was to go back to work.马德莱娜·奥尔布赖特首先出声,她说,她对我做的错事表示失望,但是我们唯一的选择是继续好好工作。

2.Also appearing on This Week, former U. S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said the New START treaty must not be allowed to languish.同样出现在本周节目中的前美国国务卿奥尔布赖特说,绝对不能允许新的战略核武器条约失去活力。

3.My last stop before going home for Thanksgiving was in Kosovo, where Madeleine Albright, Wes Clark, and I got a roaring welcome.在回国过感恩节之前,我们到达出访的最后一站——科索沃,我、马德莱娜·奥尔布赖特、韦斯·克拉克在那里受到了极为热烈的欢迎。

4.It was the highest-level visit by an American since Cpnton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, made a trip in 2000.这是继克林顿的国务卿MadeleineAlbright于2000年出访后的又一次高级别访问。

5.In 2000 he famously asked Madeleine Albright, then America's secretary of state, for her e-mail address.2000年的时候,他曾向时任美国国务卿的马德琳•奥尔布赖特索要后者的电子邮件地址,成为一段广为人知的“佳话”。

6.Secretary of State Madeleine Albright may look pke a pleasantly rumbled housewife, eyes round and bright as full moons.国务卿玛德林·奥尔布赖特看上去像是个和蔼可亲,爱唠叨的家庭主妇,圆又明亮的眼睛如同满月。

7.Madeleine Albright recently learned that her youngest granddaughter is unimpressed by her illustrious career.马德莱娜·奥尔布莱特近来得知她最年幼的外孙女对她的职业生涯记忆模糊。

8."We are going through systemic change, " Madeleine Albright, the former US secretary of state, says in an interview.“我们正经历系统性变革,”美国前国务卿马德琳-奥尔布赖特(MadeleineAlbright)在一次采访中表示。

9.Madeleine Albright, then the U. S. secretary of state, wrote after meeting Mr. Kim in 2000 that he was 'smart' and 'well-informed. '时任美国国务卿的奥尔布赖特(MadeleineAlbright)在2000年与金正日会晤后写下这样的文字:他很聪明,见多识广。

10.On Sunday, at a lunch for Ehud and Nava Barak at Madeleine Albright's farm, Madeleine and Dennis made a last pitch to Barak.周日,在马德莱娜的农场为巴拉克夫妇举行的一个午宴上,马德莱娜和丹尼斯最后一次劝说巴拉克。