




1.超级英雄洁剂,同时在亲友的帮助之下,前前后后用海绵和刷子洗了25次。原本想成为超级英雄super-hero)的他,最终却成了肥皂 …


1.Yet, pke some sort of a super hero, the moment he pulls on the yellow jersey he is transformed.就像某些超级英雄一样,当他穿上黄色队服的那一刻,他便与众不同了。

2.Not every super hero has powers, you know.并非每个超能英雄都有超能力。

3.For "Super Hero Sports, " Thomas Forsyth made a number of superhero masks from components of deconstructed Nike sports shoes.对于“超级英雄体育,”托马斯福赛思从解构了耐克运动鞋部件的超级英雄口罩的数量。

4.The club has released two albums. "Super Hero" is one of the songs from the second album, "Because of You. "该俱乐部已经发布了两张专辑。“超级英雄”是第二章专辑“因为你”中的一首歌曲。

5.A comic book super hero whose exploits began in the 1940's is back as one of this year's big action movies.一本漫画书超级英雄的漏洞在1940年的开始,是今年的大动作电影之一。

6.This would be a good movie to watch if you are an avid Batman fan, or just want to watch a fiction super hero film.如果您是一位蝙蝠侠迷,或者只是想观看小说中的超级英雄,这是一部不错的电影。

7.This is not the super hero who fabricates, but is one kind of real existence animal - wolf.这不是凭空捏造的超级英雄,而是一种真实存在的动物――狼。

8.In other words, though they've risked everything for others, real heroes don't get paid for the super hero stuff.换句话说,尽管他们为了别人奋不顾身,但真正的英雄不会从超级英雄的事业中获得报酬。

9."Watchmen" also are very ordinary people, but are super hero or rebel hero.“守望者”是十分寻常的百姓,但又是真正意义上的超级英雄,或者说是叛逆英雄。

10.Girls play dolls and dreams to be a daughter or a famous ballet dancer, boys collect comic about a super-hero and they want to be cool.女孩玩洋娃娃和梦想,是一个女儿或著名芭蕾舞演员,男孩大约收集漫画超级英雄,他们要冷静。