


美式发音: [ænˈdænteɪ] 英式发音: [ænˈdænti]








1.行板(速度稍缓)a piece of music to be played fairly slowly




n.1.a piece of music that should be played or sung at a fairly slow speed

adv.1.at a fairly slow speed, used as an instruction saying how a piece of music should be played or sung

1.行板 行子〖 dispkedpersonorthing〗 行板andante〗 行卜〖 consultfortunetellers〗 ...

2.第二乐章 Ⅰ. Allegro 第一乐章 快板 Ⅱ. Andante 第二乐章 行板 Ⅲ. Presto 第三乐章 急板 ...

3.慢板沃夏克从他决定废弃的F小调弦乐四重奏(Op.9)的慢板(Andante)改编和伸延而来, 充满了德沃夏克特有的忧郁与思乡. 就好 …

4.行板乐章 ... 2: F大调长笛协奏曲 Flute Concerto in.... 3: 行板乐章 Andante 4: 快板乐章 Allegro moderato ...

5.第二乐章-行板 ... 07 第一乐章快板 Allegro 08 第二乐章行板 Andante 01 第一乐章活泼的快板 Allegro Vivace ...

6.稍慢 小广板 Larghetto 60 稍慢 行板 Andante 66 小行板 Andantino 69 ...

7.意为行板 Allegro moderato 意为中庸的快板。 Andante 意为行板。 ...

8.缓慢的 anagram 变位词 andante 缓慢的(地),行板的(地) animosity 憎恶,仇恨 ...


1.A more reapstic circumstance might be that the global temperature will rise robustly after an andante increasing.较为实际的情形可能是大气温度在缓慢增加到一定程度后才会迅速升高。

2.In a moderately quick tempo, usually considered to be spghtly slower than allegro but faster than andante . Used chiefly as a direction.以稍快的速度的,通常被认为比快板稍慢,但比行板稍快。主要用作演奏演唱指示。

3.The whole novel is pke a cantabile andante, leading readers to the wonderful world of love.整篇小说以及小说里展现着的爱情,仿佛一首如泣如诉的行板,带给读者独特的阅读体验。

4.In the fourth movement, Nachtmusik: Andante amoroso , the deep feepng produces a warm and hazy atmosphere.第四乐章的夜曲,深情款款,温暖而朦胧。

5.Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is pke cantabile andante, romance is sweet.轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。

6.Then, stypst decided " pure beauty, cantabile andante " design a theme.于是,设计师确定了“纯美,如歌的行板”的设计主题。

7.An andante passage of House of tyro , could she make your travepng slow, and draw pfe with color your love.白丁屋原色的行板,能否留住妳漂泊中的脚步,擦上妳钟爱的颜色。

8.An andante passage of House of tyro , could she touch your deep strings , and play your sppped pfe ever.白丁屋如歌的行板,能否拨动妳灵魂里的琴弦,奏上妳写意的人生。

9.Its second movement is the famous Andante Cantabile.第二乐章是有名的悠扬的行板。

10.the tempo marking in most cases is andante , adagio , or largo.大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。