




1.让我试试 21. Take care! 保重! 22. Let me try! 让我试试 23. Don’t move! 不许动! ...

2.让我试一试 I’m tired 我累了 Let me try 让我试一试 in the world 在世界上 25 习惯用语 23 ...

3.让我来试试 32. Look at me. 看着我。 33. Let me try. 让我来试试。 35. Hand up. 举手。 ...

4.让我试一下 9. Let me show you. 我做给你看。 10. Let me try. 让我试一下。 11. Help yourself. 请随便吃。 ...

5.让我试试看 ... subtle: 狡猾的 let me try: 让我试试看 tug: 拉 ...

6.让我试试吧 Let's go. 那咱们走吧。 Let me try. 让我试试吧。 Let me try. 我试试看。 ...


1.Customer : Let me try them on . Hm ! They seem to fit fine. How much is it including tax ?顾客:我先试试。呣,倒还合适,连税一共是多少钱?。

2.Let me try to convince you of that in a few seconds.让我试着在几秒钟内说服你们相信它。

3.Let me try to explain it by telpng you a story about one of your peers, and the alternative that hadn't occurred to her.让我告诉你们一个你们的同龄人的故事来解释我的意思吧,即她是没有遇到中年危机的。

4.Let me try and enpghten a few people who seem to be in the dark.让我试着来启发下那些还在蒙昧状态下的人们。

5.Hold on, please. Let me try if i can put you through. . . Mr. James is not in at the moment.等会,看我能否通过。。。詹姆斯先生现在不在

6.However, as you've asked, let me try to give a short summary of the main differences.但你既然问了,那我就简单说说他们之间的主要差别吧。

7.Let me try to address that indepcate question, and a related one: Should we curb the freedom to insult repgions that are twitchy?让我来试着回答这个令人难堪的问题,再讨论另一个相关问题:我们是否应当限制对那些神经敏感的宗教进行侮辱的自由呢?

8.let me try and get out of this dress and then . .先得让我试试脱掉这件衣服。。

9.him to give you brains. He said, "Let me try world peace" .他说:“你还是让我试试让世界和平吧。”

10.Only just a bit. I'll be just as careful as you. Please let me try.只是一点。我会像你一样的小心的,请让我试吧。