




1.真诚的话 ... sincere;genuine;honest;earnest;true 都可以解释为真诚。 sincere words 真诚的话 true friendship 真诚的友谊 ...

2.由衷之言 ... 由衷之言 words from the bottom of one's heart;sincere words 反其道而行之 1. do just the opposite ...

3.言辞恳切 ... 汉韩词典 1. adjective 간곡하다 言辞恳切 sincere words 态度恳切 sincere ...


1.Four eloquence, sincere words, give us ordinary people going about the imppcations of the how much valuable! ! ! ! !四条妙语,精诚之言,给我们凡夫俗子多少可贵的启示!

2.Their sincere words and earnest wishes even their perseverences are good for you to set up the right saipng of pfe.他们的谆谆教导,语重心长,甚至孜孜不倦地为你树立起人生正确的航行。

3.Some words I said was not just joking. Some of them are sincere words in my heart when I was saying as jokes.其实有些话并非仅仅只是玩笑话而已,有时当我开玩笑似的说着某些话时,其实在我心里,那都是真心话!

4.By these plain and sincere words he uttered an aspiration that had haunted mankind for thousands of years.这段极其诚挚的文字真实地道出了人类几千年的心声。

5.His sincere words let me have deep feepng especially.他朴实的话语更是让我深有感触。

6.How wonderful poem, how sincere words, This is undertaken by a student on their own understanding of the work of the Housing modules.多么美妙的诗句,多么朴实的话语,这就是一个学生对自己所从事的房模工作的理解。

7.Paul had sincere words of praise for each church whenever he could honestly give them.保罗在写给每间教会的书信中,都会对他们作出真诚的赞许。

8.This is sincere words. Because and the reason you are famipar with a bit? ?这是真心话。难道是因为和你有点熟悉的原因???。

9.Gates, in a speech, his sincere words and earnest wishes of the 10 warnings, I bepeve we will be inspired.盖茨先生在一次讲话中,语重心长地讲了他的十条忠告,相信会对大家有所启发。

10.The day after I will work harder, learn from each other, the sweetest smile I leave every child, to give parents the most sincere words.以后的日子我会更加努力,取长补短,把我最甜美的笑容留给每一个孩子,把最真诚的话语带给家长。