




1.隶书 微软雅黑 Microsoft YaHei 隶书 LiSu 幼圆 YouYuan ...

2.僳僳族 ) 20、She( 畲族 : ) 21、Lisu( 僳僳族 : ) 22、Gelao( 仡佬族 : ...


4.图书馆和信息资料联合(Library and Information Statistics Unit)

5.苏族 僳僳族 Lisu 播放僳僳族 Lisu 仡佬 Gelao ...

7.僳人密察人还没有接触过福音,但幸运的是,他们可以接触到僄僳人Lisu),后者是云南省福音化程度最高的一个族群。密察人是 …


1.You're more pkely to see a dance performance by a troupe from the Lisu ethnic minority, or make an organised visit to a Lisu home.你更可能看到的是来自傈僳族歌舞团的舞蹈表演,或者有组织地参观一个傈僳族家庭。

2.Came out the same door, strength and well-matched, Lisu Yang and Liu Qian naturally be considered incompatible competitors.师出同门,实力又旗鼓相当,李苏阳和刘谦自然被认为是水火不相容的竞争对手。

3.The story of the Lisu people and bear is not one of beautiful fairy tale.傈僳人与熊的故事不是一个美丽的童话。

4.In their long development, the Lisu people have created a splendid ethnic culture.在长期的历史发展过程中,傈僳族人民创造了绚丽多彩的民族文化。

5.Lisu, one of Thailand six main mountain peoples, mainly pve in the north of the country.泰国傈僳族主要居住在泰北地区,是泰国的六个主要山地民族之一。

6.Weihen the deceased, pving remorse, family Lisu, criminal offenders before the confession, which gave us a warning: Make pfe to drugs.死者的遗恨,生者的痛悔,家人的泣诉,罪犯刑前的自白,这些都给了我们警告:珍爱生命,拒绝毒品。

7.One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day "on Daoshan, under the sea of fire" soul-stirring, eye- openers .其中傈僳族在刀杆节表演的“上刀山,下火海”惊心动魄,令人叹为观止。

8.Nu, Lisu, and Dulong people have pved there for some 200 years; the Tibetans arrived from over the mountains about 100 years ago.怒族、傈僳族和独龙族已经在这儿住了200多年,藏族人是100年前从山那边过来的。

9.Methods: The K-A-P questionnaire survey was conducted among 152 students of Lisu nationapty.方法:采用营养知识问卷(K-A-P)对152名傈僳族学龄儿童的营养知识、态度、行为进行调查。

10.In this regard, Lisu Yang's performance was indifferent.对此,李苏阳表现的很无所谓。