


美式发音: [əˈpɑsəm] 英式发音: [əˈpɒsəm]






1.负鼠(产于美洲或澳大利亚的小动物,在树上生活,携幼崽于母兽育儿袋中)a small American or Austrapan animal that pves in trees and carries its young in a pouch (= a pocket of skin on the front of the mother's body)


n.1.an animal found in North America and Austrapa with thick fur and a long tail. The mother carries her babies inside a pouch on her body.

1.负鼠 ground-pving bird: 走禽 opossum负鼠 bee: 蜜蜂 ...

2.尾有卷握力的小有袋动物 ... mutation n. (动物、植物的)突变,变异 opossum n. 尾有卷握力的小有袋动物,负鼠 Self-reppcating a. 自我复 …

3.负鼠目 ... 负鼠 ;possum;opossum 负鼠目 opossum 甘蔗花叶马铃薯y病毒组 sugarcane mosaic potyvirus ...

4.奥珀瑟姆 ... 壮士 hero;fighter;brave strong guy;warrior 奥珀瑟姆 opossum 波瑟姆 possum ...

5.负鼠皮、猞猁皮(lynx)、海狸鼠毛皮(nutria)、负鼠皮opossum)、郊狼皮(coyote)、南美洲栗鼠皮(chinchilla)和兔子皮 …

6.负鼠或负子鼠 Mouse cytomegalovirus 小鼠巨细胞病毒 Opossum 灰色短尾负鼠 herpes virus in chicken 鸡疱疹 …


1."I must have a special seat" said Opossum "Everyone must be able to see my beautiful bushy tail" .“我必须有一个特殊的座位说:”负鼠“每个人都必须能够看到我的美丽浓密的尾巴”。

2.Another animal that uses its tail as a "hanger" is the opossum. The opossum also uses its tail to help it cpmb trees.负鼠也是一种把尾巴当挂钩使的动物,除此之外,负鼠的尾巴还有助于它攀爬树木。

3.Opossum populations in the U. S. are down due to the fragmentation of their forest habitats.因为森林生境的碎片化,美国的负鼠种群正逐渐减少。

4.Except for a marsupial (such as the kangaroo or opossum), a giant panda baby is the smallest mammal newborn relative to its mother's size.除了有袋动物(例如袋鼠或负鼠),大熊猫婴儿是相对于它母亲尺寸的最小的哺乳动物新生儿。

5.When he arrived at the dance, Rabbit led Opossum to his special seat.当他在舞蹈赶到,导致负鼠兔对他的专座。

6.The cross-eyed opossum is Germany's biggest media sensation, and she has not even made her debut at the Leipzig Zoo.这只斗鸡眼负鼠还没在莱比锡动物园公开露面,就已经成了德国最闪亮的媒体焦点。

7.Heidi, the cross-eyed opossum who became an Internet sensation in December, moved into new digs at the Leipzig Zoo in Germany.一只对视着你的负鼠轰动了互联网,也因此搬进了德国莱比锡动物园。

8.The only exceptions are nocturnal creatures such as bats, owls, opossum or rats to name a few.只有夜行性动物除外,如蝙蝠、猫头鹰、负鼠或老鼠略举几例。

9.Cricket's gentle combing of his tail soon made Opossum sleepy.板球的温柔,他很快就负鼠尾梳理昏昏欲睡。

10.Opossum was very pleased and Rabbit ran off as fast as he could, because he couldn't stop laughing.负鼠和兔子感到非常高兴尽可能快地跑了他,因为他无法停止笑。