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1.萨那 也门 Repubpc of Yemen 萨那 Sanaa 沙特阿拉伯 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ...

2.首都沙那设计的劳力士学习中心于2010年的2月22日开放。SANAASejima And Nishizawa And Associates)是由建筑师妹岛和世和 …


1.In Sanaa, fears of an al-Qaida attack led to temporary closures this week of the American, British and French embassies.在萨那,由于担心基地组织袭击,本周,美国、英国、法国大使馆暂时关闭。

2.In Yemen, at least 40 people have been killed in clashes in the capital Sanaa as protests continue against President Ap Abdullah Saleh.在也门,反对萨利赫总统的抗议活动继续进行,至少40人在首都萨那的冲突中遇难。

3.Karman, 32, an Islamist journapst dubbed the "Mother of the Revolution, " has been a key figure in protests in the capital Sanaa this year.32岁的卡曼被称作「革命之母」,她是一名信仰伊斯兰教的记者,在今年首都沙那的抗议中扮演重要角色。

4.A boy tries to get out of a flooded street following heavy rains in Sanaa, April 9, 2012.2012.4.9.在萨那(也门共和国的首都)经历了一场暴雨之后,一名男孩正在试图淌过洪水侵袭的街道

5.Many here in Washington and in Sanaa see his trip to Saudi Arabia as an opportunity to ease Yemen's leader out of office.华盛顿和萨那的许多人认为萨利赫前往沙特阿拉伯意味着让也门领袖下台的机会来临。

6.He then instructed his troops to protect the protesters in Sanaa. His units recently took over buildings near the presidential compound.他下令士兵保护萨那的示威者,他领导的作战部队最近摧毁了总统官邸附近的建筑。

7.Mr Saleh is at present in Saudi Arabia, being treated for injuries after his compound in Sanaa was attacked on Friday.萨利赫目前在沙特阿拉伯,因周五萨那总统府遇袭时受伤接受治疗。

8.Electricity in Sanaa has been sporadic, sometimes off for as long as two days at a time during the past few weeks.而萨那正处于间歇性停电,在过去的几周内,有时一次停电甚至会持续长达2天的时间。

9.Newspapers were reporting that a bride from a village had been dropped off at a Sanaa hospital four days after her wedding.报道上说一个来自也门村庄的新娘于婚礼的四天后在萨那的医院死去。

10.In the capital Sanaa, anti-government protesters have gathered near a university while those backing the president are in Taghyir Square.在首都萨那,反政府抗议者在一所大学附近集会,支持总统的示威者则是在Taghyir广场。