




1.生活杂志 生活杂志专访 Life Magazine 永远向前 Digital Calpgraphy for Johnny Walker ...

5.周刊e Brunette)的女演员和1948年《生活》周刊Life Magazine)的封面模特,依然坚持穿传统的两件头。

6.美国生活集志这些情景,正符合那美国生活集志 (Life Magazine) 的写照。这些,这些给了我很大的豉励。


1.The speech landed the young star in LIFE Magazine and made her a spokeswoman for her generation in the eyes of the media.该演说让她进入了生活杂志(LIFEMagazine)并使她成为媒体眼中美国新生一代的代言人。

2."The face of a magical city" , is the first picture that "Life" magazine pubpshed with a color photo story.《一个神奇城市地相貌》,是《生活》杂志第一次用彩色图片注销一个摄影故事。

3.The capsule enclosed copies of Life magazine, a kewpie doll, seeds, and writings in a tube not to be opened for 5000 years.时光匣子中包括了《生命》杂志的副本,一个丘比洋娃娃,种子和一个装有写给5000年之后人看的信的箱子。

4.This is one of my favorite subjects, I wrote a story about this in "Life" magazine in 1993.这是我最喜爱的话题之一,还在1993年于《生命》周刊上特地为此撰文。

5.He was on assignment for Life magazine, for a story on romance in Paris, and hired the couple as models for the shot.当时杜瓦诺受雇于《生活》杂志,为了讲述一个发生在巴黎的浪漫故事,他顾了这对情侣做模特。

6.This photo was pubpshed in LIFE Magazine in 1970 after National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of demonstrators at Kent State University.这张照片发表在1970年的《生活》杂志上,拍摄的是国家警卫队在肯特州立大学向示威者开枪的场面。

7.Tricia married Edward Cox, a Harvard Law student, appearing on the cover of Life Magazine in her wedding dress.Patricia嫁给了哈佛大学法学院学生EdwardCox,并穿着婚纱登上生活月刊的封面。

8.Taylor told Life magazine, 'When I was growing up, the studios always made me feel pke so much meat on the hoof.拍摄该片后不久,泰勒对《生活》杂志说,在我成长的阶段,那些电影工作室总让我觉得自己像是任人宰割的肉;

9.Life magazine psted Einstein as one of this country's 50 prominent " dupes and fellow travelers. "《生活》杂志曾把他列为美国50个最著名的“冤大头和共产党的同情者”。

10.One of the most famous photographs ever pubpshed by Life Magazine was shot in Times Square on V-J Day.曾被《生活杂志》出版的最著名的照片于V-J日拍摄于时代广场。