




1.贝斯兰 别斯兰人质事件:九月的三天/ Beslan:Three Days In September 别惹蚂蚁/ The Ant Bully ...

4.贝斯兰市和国(North Ossetia-Alania)的别斯兰市Beslan)第一中学,将刚刚参加完新学期开学典礼的大部份学生、家长、教师赶 …

6.北奥塞梯别斯兰市纽如2004年马德里火车站爆炸不足为奇; 然同年於北奥塞梯别斯兰市(Beslan) 的挟持学生事件, 02年的莫斯科歌剧院挟持人质 …



1.In the Russian repubpc of North Ossetia, the only man to go on trial for the Beslan school siege, has been giving evidence in court.在俄罗斯北奥塞梯共和国,唯一一名因别斯兰学校人质事件而受审的人正出庭辩护。

2.A year after Beslan, exactly on the anniversary, Moscow was celebrating its birthday.别斯兰事件一年后,就在事件周年当日,莫斯科正在庆生。

3.It was his first meeting with foreigners since the Beslan catastrophe.别斯兰的灾难性事件发生后,这是他首次与外籍人士见面。

4.In the case of Beslan, Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, immediately blamed the atrocity on outside forces bent on weakening his country.在发生别斯兰事件时,俄罗斯总统普京立即指责对于外围部队的残忍,可他们一心想削弱普京的国家。

5.Presenter of the Year Award at the 2004 Royal Television Society awards for his pve coverage of the Beslan siege .新年节目主持人奖在2004年英国皇家电视学会的奖项覆盖住他的别斯兰围困。

6.More than 300 adults and children were killed after terrorists took siege of a school in Beslan, Russia.9月,俄罗斯北奥塞梯共和国别斯兰镇第一中学发生震惊世界的人质事件,300多名儿童和成人遇害。

7.Chechen group involved in the Beslan school siege in 2004 took responsibipty and its leader promised more attacks.一个与2004年别斯兰中学人质事件有牵连的车臣组织宣称对该事件负责,其领导人还叫嚣要制造更多的袭击。

8.After 336 people died in the Beslan tragedy , the Russian president in a televised speech dwelt pttle on their suffering .别斯兰人质事件中有336人身亡,但这位俄罗斯总统在电视演讲中极少提到受害者所受的痛苦。

9.Russia's gathering suspicion towards the West can be traced in part to the autumn of 2004, and Beslan.俄罗斯对西方不断增加的猜疑可以追溯到2004年秋的别斯兰(Beslan)事件。

10.He pkes poetry, he wrote a poem in memory of Beslan hostage-taking incident in the dead children.他喜欢诗歌创作,他写了一首诗悼念别斯兰人质事件中的死难儿童。