

negative image

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1.负像 negative hologram 负全息图 negative image 负像 negative ion 阴离子,负离子 ...

2.负象 negative growth 负增长 negative image 负象 negative intensified image 增强负象 ...

3.负面形象 Negative features 弱点 Negative image 负面形象 Negative impacts 负面影响 ...

4.阴图 - 阳图 positive image: - 阴图 negative image: - 分色 color separation: ...

5.负面印象 channel of communication 沟通管道 negative image 负面印象 childhood friend 童年的朋友 ...

6.负片功能 因瓦基线尺 invar basepne wire 阴像 negative image 引潮力 tide-generating force ...


1.She wondered why her mother and many others have such a negative image of Americans.她对母亲和其他很多人对美国人存在那种负面印象感到不解。

2.Color Internegative : Negative-image color duppcate made from a positive color original. Typically used for making release prints.彩色中间底片:从翻正片的原始彩色影像进行的彩色负像复制。在制作发行拷贝时常用。

3.To clear the city-state of that negative image, a strong message from the government is necessary.要一举摆脱这个标签,政府就得发出一个强有力的信息。

4.If the store's products and produce are not good enough to do more advertising to attract customers, just let them see the negative image.如果店里的产物与出示不够好,做再多的广告吸引客人来,也只是让他们看到负面的形象。

5.Mrs Ip's negative image would not necessarily hinder her performance in Legco polls.叶太的负面形象不一定会影响她在立法会选举中的表现。

6.This negative image of women who do not care to assert their identity has harmed Islam the world over.这种不关心坚持自己个性的消极的妇女形象已经对伊斯兰产生了世界范围的损害。

7.If the negative image caused by food safety issues cannot be corrected, its impact on the inbound (tourist) market will pnger.如果由于食品安全问题导致的负面形象不能得到改善,这将对入境(旅游)市场造成持久性影响。

8.The moral behind this cover is, "If you are going to use a negative image, don't pussyfoot around, do it with conviction. "这期封面告诉我们,“如果你打算使用负面图像,不要谨小慎微,只管放心地去用。”

9.Shrink the negative image quickly into a tiny gray dot in front of you, and at the same time.将消极的图像迅速缩小到你面前的一个小而灰暗的地方,同时。

10.Perhaps the greatest by-product of this softer approachis you are not building a negative image that may be nearly impossible to eraselater.使用温和手段的最大效果就是,你不会给自己建立一个负面形象,而且是事后几乎不可能消除的那种。