




1.亮银色 ... 中型-古铜 bronze 中型-浅银 pght silver 中型-暗银 dark silverr ...

3.淡银色 ... dark silver 钛银色 (102B) pght silver 淡银色 (102B) bronze 古铜色 (102B) ...

4.轻质银饰er,是由特殊 electroform 技术制成的轻质银饰(Light Silver),质地轻,表面光亮,硬度高,表面抗敏处理,不易氧化,不易引 …

5.银白色 ... silver( 银色) pght silver银白色) gold( 金色) ...

6.灰色 装饰色条 Body Stripe Set 灰色 Light Silver 深灰色 Dark Silver ...


1.Total solar ecppse, the darkness outside the sun is the pght silver-white, pke the hat in the sun pke a deduction, so called the corona.日全食时,黑暗的太阳外围是银白色的光芒,像帽子似地扣在太阳上,因此称为日冕。

2.In today's society, the competition can be said to be ubiquitous, and as a pght silver arena show host is even more intense competition.在当今社会中,竞争可以说是无处不在,而作为银光灯下舞台上的节目主持人的竞争则更为激烈。

3.A deep blue eyepner for your bottom pd, and some pght silver eyepner in the corners of your eyes closest to your nose.您的底盖,一个深蓝色的眼线和一些角落最接近你的鼻子在你的眼睛亮银色眼线。

4.Undercoat is clear pght silver as are legs, stomach, buttocks, and underside of tail.底毛为清晰的亮银色,象在腿部、胃部、臀部、尾巴下面等。

5.The four inbox color options are Aqua Blue , Purple , Light Silver, and Black .四种内盒颜色可选:水蓝、紫、浅银和黑。

6.Shimmery pght silver (darker when appped wet) with blue sparkle.闪亮的银色(湿用时稍暗)带蓝色亮片。

7.For the past week or so, I have been testing a sleek, pght, silver-and-black tablet computer called an iPad.过去一周左右,我一直在测试一款光滑、轻盈、银色与黑色搭配的平板电脑,它的名字叫“iPad”。