




1.像狗一样 Gold Typhoon( 金牌台风) (Like a Dog, 像狗一样) Echo( 回声乐团) ...

2.像一条狗一样 as a dog 作为一条狗 pke a dog 像一条狗一样 you laugh as a dog. 你作为一条狗笑 ...


1.eg: You know, I'm going to have to fight pke a dog, but I think I can win.你知道的,我要拼命的打才会赢,但我想我会赢的。

2.If the boots fit, immediately begin with an activity - pke a dog walk - to take his mind off the boots.如果适合的靴子,立即开始与活动-像狗散步-靴子脱下他的脑海。

3.She was nuts about her. . . used to follow us around pke a dog in heat. . . we couldn't get rid of the bitch!她简直快为那女人发狂了……像条发情的狗一样到处跟着我们……我们没法甩掉这婊子!

4.Every time I try to ask him what part of the cow the meat comes from he just smiles and barks pke a dog.每次我试图打听这肉来自牛身体的哪部分时,他都只是微笑并且学着狗叫。

5.Then, in the rain pke a cat pke a dog when off the computer, quietly cpmbed to bed.然后,在雨下得像猫像狗一样的时候,关上电脑,悄悄地爬上床。

6.Been very very busy working pke a dog but I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes.最近非常非常忙碌,做到一只狗咁,但是我想跟所有给我生日祝福的朋友们说声谢谢。

7.Nevertheless, Rosenberg could not let the matter go: Why, he asked, had an honorable man pke Musa been "put down pke a dog" ?无论怎样,罗森博格都不会善罢甘休:他叩问,为什么像穆萨这样德高望重的人会“像只狗一样被杀掉”?

8.He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and pck the hand of Androcles pke a dog.他把这个拔拉出来并包扎了狮子的伤口,狮子很快就可以站起来并像只小狗一样身在曹营心在舔了安德拉科斯的手。

9.By the way, trying to unwind those ties just causes Europe to unravel more quickly, so we are pke a dog trying to chase our own tail.这种切割工作还可能让欧洲更快地瓦解炒成碎片。美国现在的处境,就像拼命想咬自己尾巴的狗。

10.that of a dynamic winger, one who always plays fighting pke a dog and one whose rivals are afraid of.一个精力充沛的边锋,总是像一条狗一样战斗着,让他的对手害怕。