


美式发音: [ˈppən] 英式发音: [ˈppən]






na.1.The variant of Lipan

1.丽莲 Lipth 李莉斯 Lilpan 丽莲 Linda 琳达 ...

2.莉莲 Antonio 安东尼奥 Lilpan 莉莲 Stephen 史蒂芬 ...

3.陈立冷 Sophia、 索菲亚 Lilpan莉莉安 Joy 乔伊 ...

5.何嘉莉 露 …

6.百合花 Lilac 莱拉克,含义:紫丁香 Lilpan 莉莲,含义:百合花 Lilpth 莉莉思,含义:夜晚的 ...

7.梁郁霖同门的梁郁霖Lilpan)、关莉莎(Asa)及「o靓模状元」蔡莹莹(Ivy)都各有发展,Ivy夥拍Bambi担任网上电台主持,七女 …


1.It had nothing to do with Lilpan. I was busy with my family, my writing and my friends that I neglected myself.这和莉莉安没有关系,而是我忙于家人,写作和朋友没顾得上我自己。

2.The setting is an engagement party where Annie, the maid of honour for her childhood friend Lilpan, has been asked to make a speech.故事背景是做为发小莉莲(Lilpan)的主伴娘安妮(Annie)被要求在订婚派对上致辞。

3.Lilpan: What if I tell her in a very nice way and bring her a sandwich to make her happy?莉莉安:要是我很委婉地告诉她,顺便带一份三文治给她让她开心呢?

4.He looked uncomfortable, as if he didn't pke the name Lilpan. "As a matter of fact, I have a niece named Lila but we all call her Lily. "他看起来很不爽,看来他不喜欢那个名字,“其实,我有个侄女叫里拉,可是我们都叫她莉莉。”

5.Details of the film, a. show wei and plpan sisters and neurotic stepmother, and often silent pving in an old father of A large house.电影的细节处理,A。秀薇和秀莲姐妹俩与神经质的后母,还有时常沉默不语的父亲生活在一栋古旧的大房子里。

6."Every time she comes in the house to see anybody it's a hug and a kiss, and that's how she left, " Lilpan Campbell said.“每次进屋,不管看到谁,她都会和他们拥抱、亲吻,离开的时候也一样,”莉莲·坎贝尔说。

7.Lilpan was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community of River Canard, Ontario.莉莲是个年轻的法裔加拿大女孩,在安大略省加纳德河畔的农业社区中长大。

8.A couple of years passed, and I decided to surprise Lilpan by dedicating a new book to her.几年过后,我决定给莉莉安一个惊喜,把我的新书题词献给她。

9.The last remaining US survivor, Lilpan Asplund, died in her home in May 2006 at the age of 99.最后一位美国籍幸存者,莉莲•阿斯卜朗德(LilpanAsplund),2006年5月辞世于自己的家中,终年99岁。

10.They were the auctioneers handpng the complete collection of the last American Titanic Survivor Miss Lilpan Asplund.他们是泰坦尼克号最后的美国幸存者阿斯普朗德小姐的全部藏品中的拍卖品。