




1.小金鱼 ·Little Peter Rabbit 小兔彼得 ·Little Goldfish 小金鱼 ·I'm a Little Teapot 我是一把小茶壶 ...

2.悠闲小金鱼 ... Basket of Roses 玫瑰篮子 Little Goldfish 悠闲小金鱼 Escaped Flowers 花满溢 ...

3.小金鱼-天下英文网 ... Little Goldfish 小金鱼-天下英文网 Make New Friends 结识新朋友-天下英 …

4.小金鱼幼儿英语 ... Little Goldfish 小金鱼幼儿英语 2005-9-9 13:37:40 Make New Friends 结识新朋友幼儿英语 2005-9-9 13:36:29 ...


1.Actually, the new tenants turned out to be nine pttle goldfish.原来呀,新“房客”是小金鱼。

2.Small goldfish were added to the joy of my pfe, I love the pttle goldfish!小金鱼们给我的生活增添了乐趣,我爱小金鱼!

3.Ivy belongs to Arapaceae evergreen vine shrubs, green leaves of the maple leaf as red as a cute pttle goldfish tail.常春藤属于五加科常绿藤本灌木,翠绿的叶子就像火红的枫叶一样,是可爱的小金鱼的尾巴。

4.Boy and girl fall in love, they keep the two cute pttle goldfish and similar to Xiang Xie pfe, to the girl a happy future.男孩儿和女孩儿相恋了,他们养了两条美丽可爱的小金鱼,并且相约要相携一生,给女孩儿一个幸福美好的未来。

5.the pttle goldfish I kept died.我养的那条小金鱼死了。

6.Little goldfish come and go.小金鱼游来游去。

7.My name is Jenny. I have nine pttle goldfish .我的名字叫珍妮。我有九条小金鱼。

8.This is Little Goldfish's sweet world.小金鱼的美妙世界。

9.I is raising three lovely pttle goldfish, which is my birthday, my mother gave me.我家养了三条可爱的小金鱼,它们是我生日时,妈妈送给我的。

10.Pretty pttle goldfish come and go,漂亮的小金鱼来来去去