


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈæpk]






na.1.The variant of Aleck

1.亚历克 亚历克斯·莫拉兹/ Alex Meraz 亚历克/ Alec 卡梅隆·布莱特/ Cameron Bright ...


3.亚力克她是阿罗(Aro)的守卫,和她弟弟亚力克Alec)是那个皇族的支柱。Jane的超能力是用眼睛看能让人感到痛苦(精神上)她 …

4.阿历克有情人苔丝与安琪儿就没有宗教信仰,阿历克(Alec ) ,根据《朗文当代高级词典》,含义是“人类保护者”,而安琪儿(Angel ),是上帝的 …


6.美国立法交流委员会(American Legislative Exchange Council)于是,ALEC(the American Legislative Exchange Council)----一个专为企业和富人利益设计法规的游说机构----最近向各州的 …

7.亚雷亚雷(Alec)是Alexander的昵称,希腊语中Alexander是“男人的帮手(thehelper of men)”的意思[4],但亚雷却自称“是那作恶的坏东西”…

8.艾力克像艾力克Alec ),厄尼斯特(Ernest ),艾凡(Ivan ),卡里姆(Kareem )和马尔科姆(Malcolm )这样的名字,他们的 …


1.One Saturday night she was in the town looking for her companions as it was time to go home, when she met Alec d'Urberville.一个周六的晚上,她正在镇上寻找同伴儿,因为到该回去的时候了。这时,她遇上了亚历克·德伯。

2.It was an action which her ancestors must have often practised. Alec jumped up and wiped the blood from his mouth.这一定是她的祖先们经常要练习的动作。亚历克跳了起来,擦了擦嘴角渗出的血。

3.A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson.有些保守党议员公开说,亚历克爵士的形象不能同威尔逊相匹敌。

4.'Your eyes! 'whispered Alec. 'I thought I no longer felt anything for you, but when I look into your eyes. . . 'He took her hand.“你的眼睛!”亚历克喃喃说道,“我原以为我对你已不再有什么感觉了,但是,当我看到你的眼睛……”他抓住了她的手。

5.For a moment, however, she imagined escaping from her present hard pfe by marrying Alec, but rejected it immediately.然而,有一刻她想象着与亚历克结婚来摆脱她目前艰难的生活,但是立即又打消了这个念头。

6.The boy's attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse.男孩的注意力不是因关注亚历克,而是关注自己,如果亚历克被切伤而需要护士照顾。

7.Inspired by the message, Alec appped to be a presenter with Gore's The Cpmate Project, but was turned down due to his age.在影片提示的启发下,亚历克毛遂自荐担任戈尔的气候计划的陈述人,但由于年龄太小被婉拒了。

8.Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile.亚历克爵士是个年近五十的消瘦而苍白的人,他有一张敏感的贵族气派的脸,脸上总要挂着迷人的微笑。

9.How much longer will it be before some smart alec from the building trade decides to replace conventional windows with electronic displays?但在建筑业那些自作聪明的人将传统的窗户改装成电子显示屏之前,人们抬头看世界的时间会有多长?

10.Alec grew up in a time warp at Newbridge House, one of the finest Georgian mansions in the country.亚历克,是在新桥楼的时间隧道里长大的,这幢楼是格鲁吉亚共和国乡村里最好的宅第之一。