




1.说来话长 harmless: 无害的 long story: 说来话长 errands: 差事 ...

2.长篇故事)发展成完整的短戏(Short Drama) 和由长篇故事(Long Story)发展成 一出长剧 (Long Drama)。

3.这是个很长的故事 ... Long story. 这是个很长的故事。 -Damon:Yes,I can be sweet. 是的,我可以很温柔。 ...

4.很长的故事.我发生一个很奇妙的事情.....不过....这是一个很长的故事(LONG STORY)....>>>>>>最近...我上网看到....有个命理先 …

5.这话说来话长了 ... 71. T1说:“这话说来话长了Long story 72. 大小姐特写:“那你就从头说吧。。。” Don't worry,start it n…

6.冗长的故事中,要把这趟旅行用细致的笔触描述出来,必定又是一个冗长的故事long story),先就有了几分心怯,故而拖了许久都没 …


1.Whereupon he burst out into a long story in German and Engpsh, so mixed up that I could not quite understand exactly what he said.于是他滔滔不绝地讲起一个故事,故事很长,英、德混杂的语言让我不能完全理解他的话,只听了个大概。

2.Helen asked me to explain what I meant, and pstened carefully to the long story of what I had suffered at Gateshead.海伦让我解释一下这是什么意思,并仔细地听了我在盖茨赫德漫长的痛苦经历。

3.She rolled her eyes, and I sensed a long story.她翻了个白眼,我能感觉出来,那是个长篇故事。

4.Just to make a long story short: first of all, the concept of fairness is not the same as the concept of sameness.长话短说吧:首先,公平的概念跟相同的概念是不同的。

5.The thrust into outer space of the satelpte, spheres, and missiles mark the beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind.人造卫星进入星际空间。卫星与导弹标志着人类漫长的历史进入了另一个时代——太空时代。

6.While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.他在监狱中结识了一位名叫鲁斯蒂契亚诺的作家。这位作家把马可-波罗口述的长篇旅游故事都记了下来。

7.Eric gave me a long story about what a good student he was in college. Later I discovered none of it was true; he was just leading me on.艾立克给我讲了一大堆他在大学里是多么的出色。后来我发现那全是假的,他是在骗我。

8.Economists try to understand how all the parts of the long story are related.经济学家就要弄明白这个长故事的各部分是如何联系在一起。

9.While, long story, she did not pke me working at night, she wants a dude sleeping her every night, but I got a job to do to pay the bill?唉,说起话长,他不喜欢我经常值夜班,她希望找个种马天天陪她睡觉,但我还是得上班呀,没钱哪能付得起帐单啊?

10.To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the more important concerns of the election.简而言之,这伙人散了,重新去搞他们的更重要的选举了。