




1.看黑板 4. Look at me. 看着我。 5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。 9. Stop talking. 别说话。 ...

2.看着黑板 an Art lesson 一节美术课 look at the blackboard 看着黑板 fly a kite 放风筝 ...

3.请看黑板 attention,please 请集中注意 look at the blackboard, 请看黑板 here, 请注意这里 ...

4.想让同学们看着黑板,该说 ... 8、想别人快一点,你可以说: Hurry up. 9、想让同学们看着黑板,该说Look at the black

5.看著黑板 Look at me! 看著我! Look at the blackboard! 看著黑板! Look at your book! 看著你的书! ...

6.注意看黑板 Make a circle. 围成一个圈 Look at the blackboard. 注意看黑板 May I leave? 我可以离开吗? ...

7.大家现在来看黑板 ... 18. Look at the blackboard. 大家现在来看黑板。 20. It's time to review the exercise. 是检查练习的时候了。 ...


1.I look at the blackboard, but I cannot see anything.我看着黑板,但是什么也看不到。

2.Boys and girls, look at the blackboard to see what kinds of words or phrases can be object complement.教师进一步帮助学生归纳宾语补足语,举例说明可作宾补的词或短语。

3.Don't look at me. Look at the blackboard, please.不要看我,请看黑板。

4.Look at the blackboard. They are verbs. What form of the verbs do we use?让学生观察黑板上的答案,并发现用了动词的何种形式。

5.look ? Please look at the blackboard! But I can't see anything.请看黑板!但我什么都看不到呀!

6.Eg. Look at the blackboard. Can you see a picture on it?看黑板,你看见上面有一幅画了?

7.Miss Wilpams: Look at the blackboard, children.威廉姆斯小姐:孩子们,请看看黑板。

8.Please look at the blackboard and answer these questions.请看黑板并回答这些问题。

9.Please look at the blackboard and psten to me.请看黑板,听我讲课。

10.Close your book, look at the blackboard and retell the story by yourselves.看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,复述课文。